Hi Thoralf, sure this is possible. A FAI server only provides TFTP, DHCP and NFS services (and maybe http services) which do not depend on a certain architecture.
Creating the nfsroot for AMD64 on a Raspberry Pi (cross-arch) may be possibe but will take very loooong. I would suggest to create the nfsroot on a amd64 host and then copy this nfsroot to the Raspberry Pi. I never tried creating a cross-arch nfsroot, but I do not find a reason why it shouldn't be possible. During fai-make-nfsroot we chroot into a deboostraped minimal system. Nowadays the kernel/OS takes care of calling qemu if it detects a different architecture if the package qemu-user-static is installed. IIRC no special setup for executing cros-arch binaries are needed today. So I see no reason the fai-make-nfsroot for AMD64 is not working on an ARM machine. It will just be slow. -- viele Grüße Thomas >>>>> On Wed, 23 Oct 2024 20:51:20 +0200, Thoralf Schulze >>>>> <thoralf.schu...@zendis.de> said: > Hi there - > is it possible to use a Raspberry Pi as a FAI server to automagically > install AMD64 clients via PXE boot? > I am aware that it is possible to create disk images for different > architectures, but couldn't find any pointers on creating a nfsroot and > boot images for architectures differing from the FAI host. Any hints > would be highly welcome …