On Mon, Oct 7, 2024 at 11:23 PM Matthew Pounsett <m...@conundrum.com> wrote:

> setup-storage is coming back with the following contents of format.log:
> No disks defined in $disklist
> Starting setup-storage 3.0
> Using config file: /var/lib/fai/config/disk_config/CEPH_MON
> This system does not have a physical disk 1
I think I have solved this problem.  Self-replying for posterity, in case
anyone else runs into this.

While poking at this some more I noticed version mismatches between FAI
installed on my fai-server, and what was being used on the target host.
 When setting up this server I decided to just use the Debian distribution
of the FAI packages.  That is version 6.0.3.  It looks like their packages
still use the FAI upstream apt repository for packages installed in the
NFSROOT.  I think this mismatch was the cause of my problems.

Upgrading to 6.2.3 from upstream and rebuilding my NFSROOT didn't help...
made the issue worse, in fact (dracut caught in a loop on its timeout
scripts).  I ended up having to use apt to purge every installed FAI
package and start from scratch.  That seems to have done it, though.  I've
got a (mostly) successfully installed system, and now I can concentrate on
tweaks I need to make to my install configs.

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