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I've only installed "cryptsetup" via "package_config".

Is package_config the right way for both pkgs?


Am 31. Mai 2024 12:12:58 MESZ schrieb Andrew Ruthven <and...@etc.gen.nz>:
>On Fri, 2024-05-31 at 10:46 +0200, Paul Berz via linux-fai wrote:
>> It seems like FAI does not modify GRUB for LUKS decryption. 
>> But I don't know if this must be done (I'm coming from Arch, but Debian is
>> not my main world)
>Are you installing the cryptsetup and cryptsetup-initramfs packages on your
>Andrew Ruthven, Wellington, New Zealand
>and...@etc.gen.nz |
>Catalyst Cloud: | This space intentionally left blank
>https://catalystcloud.nz |

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