Hello Thomas and thanks all for your answers

I am using FAI v.6.2.2 on a Debian 12 base

>Do you use systemd inside the nfsroot? Yes
> FAI never used these options:
  rd.live.overlay.overlayfs=1 rd.live.overlay.readonly=1
I'm pretty sure they will break things.
Instead you have to use the option rootovl. : This was a debugging attempt, 
resetting it to

append initrd=initrd.img-5.10.0-29-amd64 ip=dhcp root=/srv/fai/nfsroot:vers=3 
rootovl  FAI_FLAGS=verbose,sshd,createvt 
FAI_CONFIG_SRC=nfs://faiserver/srv/fai/fai_config/ FAI_ACTION=install

Did not fix anything and exhibits the same crashing behaviour, which did not 
occur when running

> If you still have this line in NFSROOT (when using FAI 6.2),
please remove it abd rebuild your nfsroot.

> sysvinit-core systemd-sysv-

This VM was clean-installed with 6.2.2 and does not contain the line in the 
/etc/fai/NFSROOT file


From: linux-fai <linux-fai-boun...@uni-koeln.de> on behalf of Thomas Lange 
Sent: Tuesday 7 May 2024 11:09
To: fully automatic installation for Linux <linux-fai@uni-koeln.de>
Subject: Re: Boot-looping or hanging Debian 11 FAI UEFI PXE
>>>>> On Tue, 7 May 2024 08:13:42 +0000, Nicolas Formichella 
>>>>> <stig...@outlook.fr> said:

    > Hello,
    > I am wanting to test a deployment for a Debian 11 KVM VM using a Debian 
12 KVM VM, but it crashes and bootloops with seemingly no reasoning.

    > ```
    > append initrd=initrd.img-5.10.0-29-amd64 ip=dhcp  
root=/srv/fai/nfsroot:vers=3 rd.live.overlay.overlayfs=1 
rd.live.overlay.readonly=1 console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200  
FAI_CONFIG_SRC=nfs://faiserver/srv/fai/fai_config/ FAI_ACTION=install 
systemd.log_level=debug systemd.log_target=console 
    > ```

FAI never used these options:
  rd.live.overlay.overlayfs=1 rd.live.overlay.readonly=1
I'm pretty sure they will break things.
Instead you have to use the option rootovl.

There may be problems if your nfsroot is not build properly. First,
which FAI version are you using? Do you use systemd inside the nfsroot?
FAI 6.2 uses systemd during the installation and if you still have an
older /etc/fai/NFSROOT config file systsemd may be missing inside the
nfsroot. If you still have this line in NFSROOT (when using FAI 6.2),
please remove it abd rebuild your nfsroot.

sysvinit-core systemd-sysv-

If you are using FAI < 6.2, the nfsroot does not use systemd and I
wonder why you have added some systemd.log... options to the kernel
command line.
regards Thomas

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