Hi there,
I noticed that errors from get-config-dir-$method are not propagated in
get-config-dir [1]. This means that while a call to task_error, e.g. in
get-config-dir-git, causes an error log and save log call, the
installation does not stop afterwards but continues:
FAI_CONFIG_SRC is set to git+ssh://example.com/srv/git/fai/install.git#blub
Updating git copy in /var/lib/fai/config
Von ssh://example.com/srv/git/fai/install
7256e1cd5..6ea9c2559 config -> origin/config
error: Pfadspezifikation 'origin/blub' stimmt mit keinen git-bekannten
Dateien überein.
Error in task confdir. Code: 882
Traceback: task_error _git_checkout main
Calling hook: savelog.DEFAULT
savelog.DEFAULT OK.
Source hook: savelog.LAST.sh
ERRORS found in log files. See
savelog.LAST.sh OK.
Save log files via ssh to
FATAL ERROR. Installation stopped.
Source hook: setup.DEFAULT.sh
hostname: dummy
setup.DEFAULT.sh OK.
Calling task_setup
Calling task_defclass
fai-class: Defining classes.
I have not tested but could imagine that the behavior is similar when
calling task_error from a hook.