
I am new to fai but have some experience with linux. I am trying to set
up an fai server for Debian Stretch (using debian stretch). Since the
company uses Windows (*sigh*) I will not be able to use DHCP / PXE. So I
wanted to use the autodiscover cd / iso. I have fai server running, and
fai-monitor started as well. When I try to test with a kvm client, it
will not discover the fai server although, when I then exit I can ping
and nmap -p 4711 faiserver. Port is reported as open. What am I missing,
is there any other way to for example pass the IP via boot variable or
such?! Any hints for debugging this?!

Thanks and Regards,


i.A. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Schöpfer  |  ithinx GmbH  |  Software Engineer
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