Trigger vEVENTs by feeding an idev ID and validating the returned output
virt_ids whether they equal to the value that was set to the vDEVICE.

Reviewed-by: Kevin Tian <>
Signed-off-by: Nicolin Chen <>
 tools/testing/selftests/iommu/iommufd_utils.h | 115 ++++++++++++++++++
 tools/testing/selftests/iommu/iommufd.c       |  31 +++++
 .../selftests/iommu/iommufd_fail_nth.c        |   7 ++
 3 files changed, 153 insertions(+)

diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/iommu/iommufd_utils.h 
index d979f5b0efe8..6f2ba2fa8f76 100644
--- a/tools/testing/selftests/iommu/iommufd_utils.h
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/iommu/iommufd_utils.h
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
 #include <sys/ioctl.h>
 #include <stdint.h>
 #include <assert.h>
+#include <poll.h>
 #include "../kselftest_harness.h"
 #include "../../../../drivers/iommu/iommufd/iommufd_test.h"
@@ -936,3 +937,117 @@ static int _test_cmd_vdevice_alloc(int fd, __u32 
viommu_id, __u32 idev_id,
        EXPECT_ERRNO(_errno,                                                 \
                     _test_cmd_vdevice_alloc(self->fd, viommu_id, idev_id,   \
                                             virt_id, vdev_id))
+static int _test_cmd_veventq_alloc(int fd, __u32 viommu_id, __u32 type,
+                                  __u32 *veventq_id, __u32 *veventq_fd)
+       struct iommu_veventq_alloc cmd = {
+               .size = sizeof(cmd),
+               .type = type,
+               .veventq_depth = 2,
+               .viommu_id = viommu_id,
+       };
+       int ret;
+       ret = ioctl(fd, IOMMU_VEVENTQ_ALLOC, &cmd);
+       if (ret)
+               return ret;
+       if (veventq_id)
+               *veventq_id = cmd.out_veventq_id;
+       if (veventq_fd)
+               *veventq_fd = cmd.out_veventq_fd;
+       return 0;
+#define test_cmd_veventq_alloc(viommu_id, type, veventq_id, veventq_fd) \
+       ASSERT_EQ(0, _test_cmd_veventq_alloc(self->fd, viommu_id, type, \
+                                            veventq_id, veventq_fd))
+#define test_err_veventq_alloc(_errno, viommu_id, type, veventq_id,     \
+                              veventq_fd)                              \
+       EXPECT_ERRNO(_errno,                                            \
+                    _test_cmd_veventq_alloc(self->fd, viommu_id, type, \
+                                            veventq_id, veventq_fd))
+static int _test_cmd_trigger_vevents(int fd, __u32 dev_id, __u32 nvevents)
+       struct iommu_test_cmd trigger_vevent_cmd = {
+               .size = sizeof(trigger_vevent_cmd),
+               .op = IOMMU_TEST_OP_TRIGGER_VEVENT,
+               .trigger_vevent = {
+                       .dev_id = dev_id,
+               },
+       };
+       int ret;
+       while (nvevents--) {
+               ret = ioctl(fd, _IOMMU_TEST_CMD(IOMMU_TEST_OP_TRIGGER_VEVENT),
+                           &trigger_vevent_cmd);
+               if (ret < 0)
+                       return -1;
+       }
+       return ret;
+#define test_cmd_trigger_vevents(dev_id, nvevents) \
+       ASSERT_EQ(0, _test_cmd_trigger_vevents(self->fd, dev_id, nvevents))
+static int _test_cmd_read_vevents(int fd, __u32 event_fd, __u32 nvevents,
+                                 __u32 virt_id, int *prev_seq)
+       struct pollfd pollfd = { .fd = event_fd, .events = POLLIN };
+       struct iommu_viommu_event_selftest *event;
+       struct iommufd_vevent_header *hdr;
+       ssize_t bytes;
+       void *data;
+       int ret, i;
+       ret = poll(&pollfd, 1, 1000);
+       if (ret < 0)
+               return -1;
+       data = calloc(nvevents, sizeof(*hdr) + sizeof(*event));
+       if (!data) {
+               errno = ENOMEM;
+               return -1;
+       }
+       bytes = read(event_fd, data,
+                    nvevents * (sizeof(*hdr) + sizeof(*event)));
+       if (bytes <= 0) {
+               errno = EFAULT;
+               ret = -1;
+               goto out_free;
+       }
+       for (i = 0; i < nvevents; i++) {
+               hdr = data + i * (sizeof(*hdr) + sizeof(*event));
+               if (hdr->flags & IOMMU_VEVENTQ_FLAG_LOST_EVENTS ||
+                   hdr->sequence - *prev_seq > 1) {
+                       *prev_seq = hdr->sequence;
+                       errno = EOVERFLOW;
+                       ret = -1;
+                       goto out_free;
+               }
+               *prev_seq = hdr->sequence;
+               event = data + sizeof(*hdr);
+               if (event->virt_id != virt_id) {
+                       errno = EINVAL;
+                       ret = -1;
+                       goto out_free;
+               }
+       }
+       ret = 0;
+       free(data);
+       return ret;
+#define test_cmd_read_vevents(event_fd, nvevents, virt_id, prev_seq)      \
+       ASSERT_EQ(0, _test_cmd_read_vevents(self->fd, event_fd, nvevents, \
+                                           virt_id, prev_seq))
+#define test_err_read_vevents(_errno, event_fd, nvevents, virt_id, prev_seq) \
+       EXPECT_ERRNO(_errno,                                                 \
+                    _test_cmd_read_vevents(self->fd, event_fd, nvevents,    \
+                                           virt_id, prev_seq))
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/iommu/iommufd.c 
index 6a050a1d64ed..156c74da53cd 100644
--- a/tools/testing/selftests/iommu/iommufd.c
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/iommu/iommufd.c
@@ -2778,15 +2778,46 @@ TEST_F(iommufd_viommu, vdevice_alloc)
        uint32_t viommu_id = self->viommu_id;
        uint32_t dev_id = self->device_id;
        uint32_t vdev_id = 0;
+       uint32_t veventq_id;
+       uint32_t veventq_fd;
+       int prev_seq = -1;
        if (dev_id) {
+               /* Must allocate vdevice before attaching to a nested hwpt */
+               test_err_mock_domain_replace(ENOENT, self->stdev_id,
+                                            self->nested_hwpt_id);
+               /* Allocate a vEVENTQ with veventq_depth=2 */
+               test_cmd_veventq_alloc(viommu_id, IOMMU_VEVENTQ_TYPE_SELFTEST,
+                                      &veventq_id, &veventq_fd);
+               test_err_veventq_alloc(EEXIST, viommu_id,
+                                      IOMMU_VEVENTQ_TYPE_SELFTEST, NULL, NULL);
                /* Set vdev_id to 0x99, unset it, and set to 0x88 */
                test_cmd_vdevice_alloc(viommu_id, dev_id, 0x99, &vdev_id);
+               test_cmd_mock_domain_replace(self->stdev_id,
+                                            self->nested_hwpt_id);
+               test_cmd_trigger_vevents(dev_id, 1);
+               test_cmd_read_vevents(veventq_fd, 1, 0x99, &prev_seq);
                test_err_vdevice_alloc(EEXIST, viommu_id, dev_id, 0x99,
+               test_cmd_mock_domain_replace(self->stdev_id, self->ioas_id);
+               /* Try again with 0x88 */
                test_cmd_vdevice_alloc(viommu_id, dev_id, 0x88, &vdev_id);
+               test_cmd_mock_domain_replace(self->stdev_id,
+                                            self->nested_hwpt_id);
+               /* Trigger an overflow with three events */
+               test_cmd_trigger_vevents(dev_id, 3);
+               test_err_read_vevents(EOVERFLOW, veventq_fd, 3, 0x88,
+                                     &prev_seq);
+               /* Overflow must be gone after the previous reads */
+               test_cmd_trigger_vevents(dev_id, 1);
+               test_cmd_read_vevents(veventq_fd, 1, 0x88, &prev_seq);
+               close(veventq_fd);
+               test_cmd_mock_domain_replace(self->stdev_id, self->ioas_id);
+               test_ioctl_destroy(veventq_id);
        } else {
                test_err_vdevice_alloc(ENOENT, viommu_id, dev_id, 0x99, NULL);
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/iommu/iommufd_fail_nth.c 
index 64b1f8e1b0cf..99a7f7897bb2 100644
--- a/tools/testing/selftests/iommu/iommufd_fail_nth.c
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/iommu/iommufd_fail_nth.c
@@ -620,6 +620,7 @@ TEST_FAIL_NTH(basic_fail_nth, device)
        struct iommu_test_hw_info info;
        uint32_t fault_id, fault_fd;
+       uint32_t veventq_id, veventq_fd;
        uint32_t fault_hwpt_id;
        uint32_t ioas_id;
        uint32_t ioas_id2;
@@ -692,6 +693,12 @@ TEST_FAIL_NTH(basic_fail_nth, device)
                                 IOMMU_HWPT_DATA_SELFTEST, &data, sizeof(data)))
                return -1;
+       if (_test_cmd_veventq_alloc(self->fd, viommu_id,
+                                   IOMMU_VEVENTQ_TYPE_SELFTEST, &veventq_id,
+                                   &veventq_fd))
+               return -1;
+       close(veventq_fd);
        return 0;

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