On Wed, Feb 5, 2025 at 2:22 PM Pavel Begunkov <asml.sile...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 2/5/25 22:16, Pavel Begunkov wrote:
> > On 2/5/25 20:22, Mina Almasry wrote:
> >> On Wed, Feb 5, 2025 at 4:41 AM Pavel Begunkov <asml.sile...@gmail.com> 
> >> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> On 1/28/25 14:49, Willem de Bruijn wrote:
> >>>>>>> +struct net_devmem_dmabuf_binding *
> >>>>>>> +net_devmem_get_sockc_binding(struct sock *sk, struct sockcm_cookie 
> >>>>>>> *sockc)
> >>>>>>> +{
> >>>>>>> +     struct net_devmem_dmabuf_binding *binding;
> >>>>>>> +     int err = 0;
> >>>>>>> +
> >>>>>>> +     binding = net_devmem_lookup_dmabuf(sockc->dmabuf_id);
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> This lookup is from global xarray net_devmem_dmabuf_bindings.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Is there a check that the socket is sending out through the device
> >>>>>> to which this dmabuf was bound with netlink? Should there be?
> >>>>>> (e.g., SO_BINDTODEVICE).
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Yes, I think it may be an issue if the user triggers a send from a
> >>>>> different netdevice, because indeed when we bind a dmabuf we bind it
> >>>>> to a specific netdevice.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> One option is as you say to require TX sockets to be bound and to
> >>>>> check that we're bound to the correct netdev. I also wonder if I can
> >>>>> make this work without SO_BINDTODEVICE, by querying the netdev the
> >>>>> sock is currently trying to send out on and doing a check in the
> >>>>> tcp_sendmsg. I'm not sure if this is possible but I'll give it a look.
> >>>>
> >>>> I was a bit quick on mentioning SO_BINDTODEVICE. Agreed that it is
> >>>> vastly preferable to not require that, but infer the device from
> >>>> the connected TCP sock.
> >>>
> >>> I wonder why so? I'd imagine something like SO_BINDTODEVICE is a
> >>> better way to go. The user has to do it anyway, otherwise packets
> >>> might go to a different device and the user would suddenly start
> >>> getting errors with no good way to alleviate them (apart from
> >>> likes of SO_BINDTODEVICE). It's even worse if it works for a while
> >>> but starts to unpredictably fail as time passes. With binding at
> >>> least it'd fail fast if the setup is not done correctly.
> >>>
> >>
> >> I think there may be a misunderstanding. There is nothing preventing
> >> the user from SO_BINDTODEVICE to make sure the socket is bound to the
> >
> > Right, not arguing otherwise
> >
> >> ifindex, and the test changes in the latest series actually do this
> >> binding.
> >>
> >> It's just that on TX, we check what device we happen to be going out
> >> over, and fail if we're going out of a different device.
> >>
> >> There are setups where the device will always be correct even without
> >> SO_BINDTODEVICE. Like if the host has only 1 interface or if the
> >> egress IP is only reachable over 1 interface. I don't see much reason
> >> to require the user to SO_BINDTODEVICE in these cases.
> >

For my taste it's slightly too defensive for the kernel to fail a
perfectly valid operation because it detects that the user is not
"doing things properly". I can't think of a precedent for this in the

Additionally there may be tricky implementation details. I think
sk->sk_bound_dev_if which SO_BINDTODEVICE set can be changed

FWIW I can add a line to the documentation saying it's recommended to
SO_BINDTODEVICE, and the selftest (that is demonstrator code) does
this anway.


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