On Tue, Jan 14, 2025 at 07:29:14PM +0100, Brendan Jackman wrote:
> > Tweaks aimed at checkpatch are only useful during the code review stage, so
> > once that code is accepted upstream, they become wholly irrelevant. A
> > checkpatch trailer in the permanent commit record serves no purpose, not 
> > even
> > a historical one.
> Yeah that's a good argument for them being unnecessary. It's not clear
> why them persisting beyond their useful lifetime would be a problem
> though. Any given reader of a commit message is already very likely to
> see tags they don't care about in that moment, is that something
> people really complain about?

Yes, I expect Linus will reject commits that carry that trailer on the exact
grounds that I brought up. He stated multiple times that a commit message
should only carry trailers that explain the context and the reason for that


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