On Fri, Jan 10, 2025 at 01:16:27PM +0100, Dmitry Vyukov wrote:
> On Fri, 10 Jan 2025 at 10:23, Marco Elver <el...@google.com> wrote:
> > > From: "Jiao, Joey" <quic_jiang...@quicinc.com>
> > >
> > > The current design of KCOV risks frequent buffer overflows. To mitigate
> > > this, new modes are introduced: KCOV_TRACE_UNIQ_PC, KCOV_TRACE_UNIQ_EDGE,
> > > and KCOV_TRACE_UNIQ_CMP. These modes allow for the recording of unique
> > > PCs, edges, and comparison operands (CMP).
> >
> > There ought to be a cover letter explaining the motivation for this,
> > and explaining why the new modes would help. Ultimately, what are you
> > using KCOV for where you encountered this problem?
> >
> > > Key changes include:
> > > - KCOV_TRACE_UNIQ_[PC|EDGE] can be used together to replace KCOV_TRACE_PC.
> > > - KCOV_TRACE_UNIQ_CMP can be used to replace KCOV_TRACE_CMP mode.
> > > - Introduction of hashmaps to store unique coverage data.
> > > - Pre-allocated entries in kcov_map_init during KCOV_INIT_TRACE to avoid
> > >   performance issues with kmalloc.
> > > - New structs and functions for managing memory and unique coverage data.
> > > - Example program demonstrating the usage of the new modes.
> >
> > This should be a patch series, carefully splitting each change into a
> > separate patch.
> > https://docs.kernel.org/process/submitting-patches.html#split-changes
> >
> > > With the new hashmap and pre-alloced memory pool added, cover size can't
> > > be set to higher value like 1MB in KCOV_TRACE_PC or KCOV_TRACE_CMP modes
> > > in 2GB device with 8 procs, otherwise it causes frequent oom.
> > >
> > > For KCOV_TRACE_UNIQ_[PC|EDGE|CMP] modes, smaller cover size like 8KB can
> > > be used.
> > >
> > > Signed-off-by: Jiao, Joey <quic_jiang...@quicinc.com>
> >
> > As-is it's hard to review, and the motivation is unclear. A lot of
> > code was moved and changed, and reviewers need to understand why that
> > was done besides your brief explanation above.
> >
> > Generally, KCOV has very tricky constraints, due to being callable
> > from any context, including NMI. This means adding new dependencies
> > need to be carefully reviewed. For one, we can see this in genalloc's
> > header:
> >
> > > * The lockless operation only works if there is enough memory
> > > * available.  If new memory is added to the pool a lock has to be
> > > * still taken.  So any user relying on locklessness has to ensure
> > > * that sufficient memory is preallocated.
> > > *
> > > * The basic atomic operation of this allocator is cmpxchg on long.
> > > * On architectures that don't have NMI-safe cmpxchg implementation,
> > > * the allocator can NOT be used in NMI handler.  So code uses the
> > > * allocator in NMI handler should depend on
> >
> > And you are calling gen_pool_alloc() from __sanitizer_cov_trace_pc.
> > Which means this implementation is likely broken on
> > !CONFIG_ARCH_HAVE_NMI_SAFE_CMPXCHG architectures (do we have
> > architectures like that, that support KCOV?).
> >
> > There are probably other sharp corners due to the contexts KCOV can
> > run in, but would simply ask you to carefully reason about why each
> > new dependency is safe.
> I am also concerned about the performance effect. Does it add a stack
> frame to __sanitizer_cov_trace_pc()? Please show disassm of the
> function before/after.
# Before the patch
ffffffff8195df30 __sanitizer_cov_trace_pc:
ffffffff8195df30: f3 0f 1e fa           endbr64
ffffffff8195df34: 48 8b 04 24           movq    (%rsp), %rax
ffffffff8195df38: 65 48 8b 0c 25 00 d6 03 00    movq    %gs:251392, %rcx
ffffffff8195df41: 65 8b 15 c0 f6 6d 7e  movl    %gs:2121135808(%rip), %edx
ffffffff8195df48: 81 e2 00 01 ff 00     andl    $16711936, %edx
ffffffff8195df4e: 74 11                 je      17 
ffffffff8195df50: 81 fa 00 01 00 00     cmpl    $256, %edx
ffffffff8195df56: 75 35                 jne     53 
ffffffff8195df58: 83 b9 1c 16 00 00 00  cmpl    $0, 5660(%rcx)
ffffffff8195df5f: 74 2c                 je      44 
ffffffff8195df61: 8b 91 f8 15 00 00     movl    5624(%rcx), %edx
ffffffff8195df67: 83 fa 02              cmpl    $2, %edx
ffffffff8195df6a: 75 21                 jne     33 
ffffffff8195df6c: 48 8b 91 00 16 00 00  movq    5632(%rcx), %rdx
ffffffff8195df73: 48 8b 32              movq    (%rdx), %rsi
ffffffff8195df76: 48 8d 7e 01           leaq    1(%rsi), %rdi
ffffffff8195df7a: 8b 89 fc 15 00 00     movl    5628(%rcx), %ecx
ffffffff8195df80: 48 39 cf              cmpq    %rcx, %rdi
ffffffff8195df83: 73 08                 jae     8 
ffffffff8195df85: 48 89 3a              movq    %rdi, (%rdx)
ffffffff8195df88: 48 89 44 f2 08        movq    %rax, 8(%rdx,%rsi,8)
ffffffff8195df8d: 2e e9 cd 3d 8b 09     jmp     160120269 <__x86_return_thunk>
ffffffff8195df93: 66 2e 0f 1f 84 00 00 00 00 00 nopw    %cs:(%rax,%rax)
ffffffff8195df9d: 0f 1f 00              nopl    (%rax)

# After the patch

vmlinux:        file format ELF64-x86-64

Disassembly of section .text:

ffffffff8195df30 __sanitizer_cov_trace_pc:
ffffffff8195df30: f3 0f 1e fa           endbr64
ffffffff8195df34: 41 57                 pushq   %r15
ffffffff8195df36: 41 56                 pushq   %r14
ffffffff8195df38: 41 54                 pushq   %r12
ffffffff8195df3a: 53                    pushq   %rbx
ffffffff8195df3b: 48 8b 5c 24 20        movq    32(%rsp), %rbx
ffffffff8195df40: 65 4c 8b 34 25 00 d6 03 00    movq    %gs:251392, %r14
ffffffff8195df49: 65 8b 05 b8 f6 6d 7e  movl    %gs:2121135800(%rip), %eax
ffffffff8195df50: 25 00 01 ff 00        andl    $16711936, %eax
ffffffff8195df55: 74 19                 je      25 
ffffffff8195df57: 3d 00 01 00 00        cmpl    $256, %eax
ffffffff8195df5c: 0f 85 54 01 00 00     jne     340 
ffffffff8195df62: 41 83 be 1c 16 00 00 00       cmpl    $0, 5660(%r14)
ffffffff8195df6a: 0f 84 46 01 00 00     je      326 
ffffffff8195df70: 41 8b 86 f8 15 00 00  movl    5624(%r14), %eax
ffffffff8195df77: a9 12 00 00 00        testl   $18, %eax
ffffffff8195df7c: 0f 84 34 01 00 00     je      308 
ffffffff8195df82: 41 83 be f8 15 00 00 02       cmpl    $2, 5624(%r14)
ffffffff8195df8a: 75 25                 jne     37 
ffffffff8195df8c: 49 8b 86 00 16 00 00  movq    5632(%r14), %rax
ffffffff8195df93: 48 8b 08              movq    (%rax), %rcx
ffffffff8195df96: 48 ff c1              incq    %rcx
ffffffff8195df99: 41 8b 96 fc 15 00 00  movl    5628(%r14), %edx
ffffffff8195dfa0: 48 39 d1              cmpq    %rdx, %rcx
ffffffff8195dfa3: 0f 83 0d 01 00 00     jae     269 
ffffffff8195dfa9: 48 89 08              movq    %rcx, (%rax)
ffffffff8195dfac: e9 fe 00 00 00        jmp     254 
ffffffff8195dfb1: 48 89 d8              movq    %rbx, %rax
ffffffff8195dfb4: 48 c1 e8 20           shrq    $32, %rax
ffffffff8195dfb8: 49 8b 8e 08 16 00 00  movq    5640(%r14), %rcx
ffffffff8195dfbf: 4c 8b 79 58           movq    88(%rcx), %r15
ffffffff8195dfc3: 05 f7 be ad de        addl    $3735928567, %eax
ffffffff8195dfc8: 8d 93 f7 be ad de     leal    -559038729(%rbx), %edx
ffffffff8195dfce: 89 c1                 movl    %eax, %ecx
ffffffff8195dfd0: 81 f1 f7 be ad de     xorl    $3735928567, %ecx
ffffffff8195dfd6: 89 c6                 movl    %eax, %esi
ffffffff8195dfd8: c1 c6 0e              roll    $14, %esi
ffffffff8195dfdb: 29 f1                 subl    %esi, %ecx
ffffffff8195dfdd: 31 ca                 xorl    %ecx, %edx
ffffffff8195dfdf: 89 ce                 movl    %ecx, %esi
ffffffff8195dfe1: c1 c6 0b              roll    $11, %esi
ffffffff8195dfe4: 29 f2                 subl    %esi, %edx
ffffffff8195dfe6: 31 d0                 xorl    %edx, %eax
ffffffff8195dfe8: 89 d6                 movl    %edx, %esi
ffffffff8195dfea: c1 c6 19              roll    $25, %esi
ffffffff8195dfed: 29 f0                 subl    %esi, %eax
ffffffff8195dfef: 89 c6                 movl    %eax, %esi
ffffffff8195dff1: c1 c6 10              roll    $16, %esi
ffffffff8195dff4: 31 c1                 xorl    %eax, %ecx
ffffffff8195dff6: 29 f1                 subl    %esi, %ecx
ffffffff8195dff8: 31 ca                 xorl    %ecx, %edx
ffffffff8195dffa: 89 ce                 movl    %ecx, %esi
ffffffff8195dffc: c1 c6 04              roll    $4, %esi
ffffffff8195dfff: 29 f2                 subl    %esi, %edx
ffffffff8195e001: 31 d0                 xorl    %edx, %eax
ffffffff8195e003: c1 c2 0e              roll    $14, %edx
ffffffff8195e006: 29 d0                 subl    %edx, %eax
ffffffff8195e008: 89 c2                 movl    %eax, %edx
ffffffff8195e00a: c1 c2 18              roll    $24, %edx
ffffffff8195e00d: 31 c8                 xorl    %ecx, %eax
ffffffff8195e00f: 29 d0                 subl    %edx, %eax
ffffffff8195e011: 44 69 e0 47 86 c8 61  imull   $1640531527, %eax, %r12d
ffffffff8195e018: 41 c1 ec 11           shrl    $17, %r12d
ffffffff8195e01c: 4b 8b 04 e7           movq    (%r15,%r12,8), %rax
ffffffff8195e020: 48 85 c0              testq   %rax, %rax
ffffffff8195e023: 74 18                 je      24 
ffffffff8195e025: 48 83 c0 f8           addq    $-8, %rax
ffffffff8195e029: 74 12                 je      18 
ffffffff8195e02b: 48 39 18              cmpq    %rbx, (%rax)
ffffffff8195e02e: 0f 84 82 00 00 00     je      130 
ffffffff8195e034: 48 8b 40 08           movq    8(%rax), %rax
ffffffff8195e038: 48 85 c0              testq   %rax, %rax
ffffffff8195e03b: 75 e8                 jne     -24 
ffffffff8195e03d: 49 8b bf 00 00 04 00  movq    262144(%r15), %rdi
ffffffff8195e044: 48 8b 57 58           movq    88(%rdi), %rdx
ffffffff8195e048: 48 8b 4f 60           movq    96(%rdi), %rcx
ffffffff8195e04c: be 20 00 00 00        movl    $32, %esi
ffffffff8195e051: 45 31 c0              xorl    %r8d, %r8d
ffffffff8195e054: e8 47 b4 f0 02        callq   49329223 
ffffffff8195e059: 48 85 c0              testq   %rax, %rax
ffffffff8195e05c: 74 58                 je      88 
ffffffff8195e05e: 4b 8d 14 e7           leaq    (%r15,%r12,8), %rdx
ffffffff8195e062: 48 89 c6              movq    %rax, %rsi
ffffffff8195e065: 48 89 18              movq    %rbx, (%rax)
ffffffff8195e068: 48 83 c0 08           addq    $8, %rax
ffffffff8195e06c: 48 c7 46 08 00 00 00 00       movq    $0, 8(%rsi)
ffffffff8195e074: 48 c7 46 10 00 00 00 00       movq    $0, 16(%rsi)
ffffffff8195e07c: 48 8b 0a              movq    (%rdx), %rcx
ffffffff8195e07f: 48 89 4e 08           movq    %rcx, 8(%rsi)
ffffffff8195e083: 48 89 56 10           movq    %rdx, 16(%rsi)
ffffffff8195e087: 48 89 02              movq    %rax, (%rdx)
ffffffff8195e08a: 48 85 c9              testq   %rcx, %rcx
ffffffff8195e08d: 74 04                 je      4 
ffffffff8195e08f: 48 89 41 08           movq    %rax, 8(%rcx)
ffffffff8195e093: 49 8b 86 00 16 00 00  movq    5632(%r14), %rax
ffffffff8195e09a: 48 8b 08              movq    (%rax), %rcx
ffffffff8195e09d: 48 ff c1              incq    %rcx
ffffffff8195e0a0: 41 8b 96 fc 15 00 00  movl    5628(%r14), %edx
ffffffff8195e0a7: 48 39 d1              cmpq    %rdx, %rcx
ffffffff8195e0aa: 73 0a                 jae     10 
ffffffff8195e0ac: 48 89 08              movq    %rcx, (%rax)
ffffffff8195e0af: 48 8d 04 c8           leaq    (%rax,%rcx,8), %rax
ffffffff8195e0b3: 48 89 18              movq    %rbx, (%rax)
ffffffff8195e0b6: 5b                    popq    %rbx
ffffffff8195e0b7: 41 5c                 popq    %r12
ffffffff8195e0b9: 41 5e                 popq    %r14
ffffffff8195e0bb: 41 5f                 popq    %r15
ffffffff8195e0bd: 2e e9 9d 3c 8b 09     jmp     160119965 <__x86_return_thunk>
ffffffff8195e0c3: 66 2e 0f 1f 84 00 00 00 00 00 nopw    %cs:(%rax,%rax)
ffffffff8195e0cd: 0f 1f 00              nopl    (%rax)

So frame to gen_pool_alloc_algo_owner has been added, and instr needs to be 
disabled for it.

> Also, I have concerns about interrupts and reentrancy. We are still
> getting some reentrant calls from interrupts (not all of them are
> filtered by in_task() check). I am afraid these complex hashmaps will
> corrupt.
Need more investigate and advice on better way to have uniq info stored.

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