- Use single program to select different mode.

Signed-off-by: Jiao, Joey <quic_jiang...@quicinc.com>
 Documentation/dev-tools/kcov.rst | 243 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 1 file changed, 122 insertions(+), 121 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Documentation/dev-tools/kcov.rst b/Documentation/dev-tools/kcov.rst
--- a/Documentation/dev-tools/kcov.rst
+++ b/Documentation/dev-tools/kcov.rst
@@ -40,11 +40,12 @@ Coverage data only becomes accessible once debugfs has been 
         mount -t debugfs none /sys/kernel/debug
-Coverage collection
+Coverage collection for different modes
 The following program demonstrates how to use KCOV to collect coverage for a
-single syscall from within a test program:
+single syscall from within a test program, argv[1] can be provided to select
+which mode to enable:
 .. code-block:: c
@@ -60,55 +61,130 @@ single syscall from within a test program:
     #include <fcntl.h>
     #include <linux/types.h>
-    #define KCOV_INIT_TRACE                    _IOR('c', 1, unsigned long)
+    #define KCOV_INIT_TRACE            _IOR('c', 1, unsigned long)
     #define KCOV_ENABLE                        _IO('c', 100)
-    #define KCOV_DISABLE                       _IO('c', 101)
+    #define KCOV_DISABLE               _IO('c', 101)
     #define COVER_SIZE                 (64<<10)
     #define KCOV_TRACE_PC  0
     #define KCOV_TRACE_CMP 1
+    #define KCOV_TRACE_UNIQ_PC 2
+    #define KCOV_TRACE_UNIQ_EDGE 4
+    #define KCOV_TRACE_UNIQ_CMP 8
+    /* Number of 64-bit words per record. */
+    #define KCOV_WORDS_PER_CMP 4
+    /*
+     * The format for the types of collected comparisons.
+     *
+     * Bit 0 shows whether one of the arguments is a compile-time constant.
+     * Bits 1 & 2 contain log2 of the argument size, up to 8 bytes.
+     */
+    #define KCOV_CMP_CONST             (1 << 0)
+    #define KCOV_CMP_SIZE(n)           ((n) << 1)
+    #define KCOV_CMP_MASK              KCOV_CMP_SIZE(3)
     int main(int argc, char **argv)
-       int fd;
-       unsigned long *cover, n, i;
-       /* A single fd descriptor allows coverage collection on a single
-        * thread.
-        */
-       fd = open("/sys/kernel/debug/kcov", O_RDWR);
-       if (fd == -1)
-               perror("open"), exit(1);
-       /* Setup trace mode and trace size. */
-       if (ioctl(fd, KCOV_INIT_TRACE, COVER_SIZE))
-               perror("ioctl"), exit(1);
-       /* Mmap buffer shared between kernel- and user-space. */
-       cover = (unsigned long*)mmap(NULL, COVER_SIZE * sizeof(unsigned long),
-                                    PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0);
-       if ((void*)cover == MAP_FAILED)
-               perror("mmap"), exit(1);
-       /* Enable coverage collection on the current thread. */
-       if (ioctl(fd, KCOV_ENABLE, KCOV_TRACE_PC))
-               perror("ioctl"), exit(1);
-       /* Reset coverage from the tail of the ioctl() call. */
-       __atomic_store_n(&cover[0], 0, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
-       /* Call the target syscall call. */
-       read(-1, NULL, 0);
-       /* Read number of PCs collected. */
-       n = __atomic_load_n(&cover[0], __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
-       for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
-               printf("0x%lx\n", cover[i + 1]);
-       /* Disable coverage collection for the current thread. After this call
-        * coverage can be enabled for a different thread.
-        */
-       if (ioctl(fd, KCOV_DISABLE, 0))
-               perror("ioctl"), exit(1);
-       /* Free resources. */
-       if (munmap(cover, COVER_SIZE * sizeof(unsigned long)))
-               perror("munmap"), exit(1);
-       if (close(fd))
-               perror("close"), exit(1);
-       return 0;
+        int fd;
+        unsigned long *cover, *edge, n, n1, i, type, arg1, arg2, is_const, 
+        unsigned int mode = KCOV_TRACE_PC;
+        /* argv[1] controls which mode to use, default to KCOV_TRACE_PC.
+         * supported modes include:
+         * KCOV_TRACE_PC
+         * KCOV_TRACE_CMP
+         * KCOV_TRACE_UNIQ_PC
+         */
+        if (argc > 1)
+            mode = (unsigned int)strtoul(argv[1], NULL, 10);
+        printf("The mode is: %u\n", mode);
+        if (mode != KCOV_TRACE_PC && mode != KCOV_TRACE_CMP &&
+            !(mode & (KCOV_TRACE_UNIQ_PC | KCOV_TRACE_UNIQ_EDGE | 
+            printf("Unsupported mode!\n");
+            exit(1);
+        }
+        /* A single fd descriptor allows coverage collection on a single
+         * thread.
+         */
+        fd = open("/sys/kernel/debug/kcov", O_RDWR);
+        if (fd == -1)
+            perror("open"), exit(1);
+        /* Setup trace mode and trace size. */
+        if (ioctl(fd, KCOV_INIT_TRACE, COVER_SIZE))
+            perror("ioctl"), exit(1);
+        /* Mmap buffer shared between kernel- and user-space. */
+        cover = (unsigned long*)mmap(NULL, COVER_SIZE * sizeof(unsigned long),
+                    PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0);
+        if ((void*)cover == MAP_FAILED)
+            perror("mmap"), exit(1);
+        if (mode & KCOV_TRACE_UNIQ_EDGE) {
+            edge = (unsigned long*)mmap(NULL, COVER_SIZE * sizeof(unsigned 
+                        PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, COVER_SIZE * 
sizeof(unsigned long));
+            if ((void*)edge == MAP_FAILED)
+                perror("mmap"), exit(1);
+        }
+        /* Enable coverage collection on the current thread. */
+        if (ioctl(fd, KCOV_ENABLE, mode))
+            perror("ioctl"), exit(1);
+        /* Reset coverage from the tail of the ioctl() call. */
+        __atomic_store_n(&cover[0], 0, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
+        if (mode & KCOV_TRACE_UNIQ_EDGE)
+            __atomic_store_n(&edge[0], 0, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
+        /* Call the target syscall call. */
+        read(-1, NULL, 0);
+        /* Read number of PCs collected. */
+        n = __atomic_load_n(&cover[0], __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
+        if (mode & KCOV_TRACE_UNIQ_EDGE)
+            n1 = __atomic_load_n(&edge[0], __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
+        if (mode & (KCOV_TRACE_CMP | KCOV_TRACE_UNIQ_CMP)) {
+            for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+                uint64_t ip;
+                type = cover[i * KCOV_WORDS_PER_CMP + 1];
+                /* arg1 and arg2 - operands of the comparison. */
+                arg1 = cover[i * KCOV_WORDS_PER_CMP + 2];
+                arg2 = cover[i * KCOV_WORDS_PER_CMP + 3];
+                /* ip - caller address. */
+                ip = cover[i * KCOV_WORDS_PER_CMP + 4];
+                /* size of the operands. */
+                size = 1 << ((type & KCOV_CMP_MASK) >> 1);
+                /* is_const - true if either operand is a compile-time 
+                is_const = type & KCOV_CMP_CONST;
+                printf("ip: 0x%lx type: 0x%lx, arg1: 0x%lx, arg2: 0x%lx, "
+                        "size: %lu, %s\n",
+                        ip, type, arg1, arg2, size,
+                is_const ? "const" : "non-const");
+            }
+        } else {
+            for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+                printf("0x%lx\n", cover[i + 1]);
+            if (mode & KCOV_TRACE_UNIQ_EDGE) {
+                printf("======edge======\n");
+                for (i = 0; i < n1; i++)
+                    printf("0x%lx\n", edge[i + 1]);
+            }
+        }
+        /* Disable coverage collection for the current thread. After this call
+         * coverage can be enabled for a different thread.
+         */
+        if (ioctl(fd, KCOV_DISABLE, 0))
+            perror("ioctl"), exit(1);
+        /* Free resources. */
+        if (munmap(cover, COVER_SIZE * sizeof(unsigned long)))
+            perror("munmap"), exit(1);
+        if (mode & KCOV_TRACE_UNIQ_EDGE) {
+            if (munmap(edge, COVER_SIZE * sizeof(unsigned long)))
+                perror("munmap"), exit(1);
+        }
+        if (close(fd))
+            perror("close"), exit(1);
+        return 0;
 After piping through ``addr2line`` the output of the program looks as follows::
@@ -137,85 +213,10 @@ mmaps coverage buffer, and then forks child processes in 
a loop. The child
 processes only need to enable coverage (it gets disabled automatically when
 a thread exits).
-Comparison operands collection
-Comparison operands collection is similar to coverage collection:
-.. code-block:: c
-    /* Same includes and defines as above. */
-    /* Number of 64-bit words per record. */
-    #define KCOV_WORDS_PER_CMP 4
-    /*
-     * The format for the types of collected comparisons.
-     *
-     * Bit 0 shows whether one of the arguments is a compile-time constant.
-     * Bits 1 & 2 contain log2 of the argument size, up to 8 bytes.
-     */
-    #define KCOV_CMP_CONST          (1 << 0)
-    #define KCOV_CMP_SIZE(n)        ((n) << 1)
-    #define KCOV_CMP_MASK           KCOV_CMP_SIZE(3)
-    int main(int argc, char **argv)
-    {
-       int fd;
-       uint64_t *cover, type, arg1, arg2, is_const, size;
-       unsigned long n, i;
-       fd = open("/sys/kernel/debug/kcov", O_RDWR);
-       if (fd == -1)
-               perror("open"), exit(1);
-       if (ioctl(fd, KCOV_INIT_TRACE, COVER_SIZE))
-               perror("ioctl"), exit(1);
-       /*
-       * Note that the buffer pointer is of type uint64_t*, because all
-       * the comparison operands are promoted to uint64_t.
-       */
-       cover = (uint64_t *)mmap(NULL, COVER_SIZE * sizeof(unsigned long),
-                                    PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0);
-       if ((void*)cover == MAP_FAILED)
-               perror("mmap"), exit(1);
-       /* Note KCOV_TRACE_CMP instead of KCOV_TRACE_PC. */
-       if (ioctl(fd, KCOV_ENABLE, KCOV_TRACE_CMP))
-               perror("ioctl"), exit(1);
-       __atomic_store_n(&cover[0], 0, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
-       read(-1, NULL, 0);
-       /* Read number of comparisons collected. */
-       n = __atomic_load_n(&cover[0], __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
-       for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
-               uint64_t ip;
-               type = cover[i * KCOV_WORDS_PER_CMP + 1];
-               /* arg1 and arg2 - operands of the comparison. */
-               arg1 = cover[i * KCOV_WORDS_PER_CMP + 2];
-               arg2 = cover[i * KCOV_WORDS_PER_CMP + 3];
-               /* ip - caller address. */
-               ip = cover[i * KCOV_WORDS_PER_CMP + 4];
-               /* size of the operands. */
-               size = 1 << ((type & KCOV_CMP_MASK) >> 1);
-               /* is_const - true if either operand is a compile-time 
-               is_const = type & KCOV_CMP_CONST;
-               printf("ip: 0x%lx type: 0x%lx, arg1: 0x%lx, arg2: 0x%lx, "
-                       "size: %lu, %s\n",
-                       ip, type, arg1, arg2, size,
-               is_const ? "const" : "non-const");
-       }
-       if (ioctl(fd, KCOV_DISABLE, 0))
-               perror("ioctl"), exit(1);
-       /* Free resources. */
-       if (munmap(cover, COVER_SIZE * sizeof(unsigned long)))
-               perror("munmap"), exit(1);
-       if (close(fd))
-               perror("close"), exit(1);
-       return 0;
-    }
 Note that the KCOV modes (collection of code coverage or comparison operands)
-are mutually exclusive.
+are mutually exclusive, KCOV_TRACE_UNIQ_PC and KCOV_TRACE_UNIQ_EDGE can be
+enabled together.
 Remote coverage collection


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