On 11/7/24 23:32, Sean Christopherson wrote:
On Mon, Nov 04, 2024, Zack Rusin wrote:
On Mon, Nov 4, 2024 at 5:13 PM Paolo Bonzini <pbonz...@redhat.com> wrote:

On Wed, Oct 30, 2024 at 4:35 AM Zack Rusin <zack.ru...@broadcom.com> wrote:

VMware products handle hypercalls in userspace. Give KVM the ability
to run VMware guests unmodified by fowarding all hypercalls to the

Enabling of the KVM_CAP_X86_VMWARE_HYPERCALL_ENABLE capability turns
the feature on - it's off by default. This allows vmx's built on top
of KVM to support VMware specific hypercalls.

Hi Zack,

Hi, Paolo.

Thank you for looking at this.

is there a spec of the hypercalls that are supported by userspace? I
would like to understand if there's anything that's best handled in
the kernel.

There's no spec but we have open headers listing the hypercalls.
There's about a 100 of them (a few were deprecated), the full
list starts here:
They're not well documented, but the names are pretty self-explenatory.

At a quick glance, this one needs to be handled in KVM:


and these probably should be in KVM:


and these maybe? (it's not clear what they do, from the name alone)


If we allow forwarding _all_ hypercalls to userspace, then people will
use it for things other than VMware and there goes all hope of
accelerating stuff in the kernel in the future.

To some extent, that ship has sailed, no?  E.g. do KVM_XEN_HVM_CONFIG with
KVM_XEN_HVM_CONFIG_INTERCEPT_HCALL set, and userspace can intercept pretty much
all hypercalls with very few side effects.

Yes, but "pretty much all" is different from "this is a blanket hypercall vmexit for you to do as you please".

So even having _some_ checks in the kernel before going out to
userspace would keep that door open, or at least try.

Doug just looked at this and I think I might have an idea on how to
limit the scope at least a bit: if you think it would help we could
limit forwarding of hypercalls to userspace only to those that that
come with a BDOOR_MAGIC (which is 0x564D5868) in eax. Would that help?

I don't think it addresses Paolo's concern (if I understood Paolo's concern

It does alleviate it. Yeah, it would be just a tiny hurdle for userspace to set eax to a specific hex value to get them hypercalls. But it is _something_ at least. It's enough to decrease substantially my level of sympathy for whoever does it, and as you point out it's also justified in terms of interoperability.

but it would help from the perspective of allowing KVM to support
VMware hypercalls and Xen/Hyper-V/KVM hypercalls in the same VM.

That too. VMware in fact might be interested in reusing Hyper-V support. Zack?

I also think we should add CONFIG_KVM_VMWARE from the get-go, and if we're 
lucky, maybe even retroactively bury KVM_CAP_X86_VMWARE_BACKDOOR behind that
Kconfig.  That would allow limiting the exposure to VMware specific code, e.g. 
KVM does end up handling hypercalls in-kernel.  And it might deter abuse to some

A bit of wishful thinking on the last sentence but yes, we should do it.

Also we should have a single cap, KVM_CAP_X86_VMWARE, with flags KVM_CAP_X86_VMWARE_{BACKDOOR,HYPERCALL}. Depending on exact details of VMware's spec it may even make sense to split further as in KVM_CAP_X86_VMWARE_{IOPORT,PMC,HYPERCALL}. The I/O port is a bit nasty with how it bypasses the TSS; if VMware wanted to deprecate it, I would not complain at all.

To sum up:

- new Kconfig symbol hiding all existing VMware code

- new cap, KVM_CAP_X86_VMWARE returning the bits that you can set with KVM_ENABLE_CAP. As in your patch, enable_vmware_backdoor provides a default for KVM_CAP_X86_VMWARE when the cap is not enabled, but it is generally deprecated.

- enable_vmware_backdoor should *not* enable KVM_CAP_X86_VMWARE_HYPERCALL


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