On Thu, 31 Oct 2024 at 05:36, Nicolin Chen <nicol...@nvidia.com> wrote:
> Following the previous vIOMMU series, this adds another vDEVICE structure,
> representing the association from an iommufd_device to an iommufd_viommu.
> This gives the whole architecture a new "v" layer:
>   _______________________________________________________________________
>  |                      iommufd (with vIOMMU/vDEVICE)                    |
>  |                        _____________      _____________               |
>  |                       |             |    |             |              |
>  |      |----------------|    vIOMMU   |<---|   vDEVICE   |<------|      |
>  |      |                |             |    |_____________|       |      |
>  |      |     ______     |             |     _____________     ___|____  |
>  |      |    |      |    |             |    |             |   |        | |
>  |      |    | IOAS |<---|(HWPT_PAGING)|<---| HWPT_NESTED |<--| DEVICE | |
>  |      |    |______|    |_____________|    |_____________|   |________| |
>  |______|________|______________|__________________|_______________|_____|
>         |        |              |                  |               |
>   ______v_____   |        ______v_____       ______v_____       ___v__
>  |   struct   |  |  PFN  |  (paging)  |     |  (nested)  |     |struct|
>  |iommu_device|  |------>|iommu_domain|<----|iommu_domain|<----|device|
>  |____________|   storage|____________|     |____________|     |______|
> This vDEVICE object is used to collect and store all vIOMMU-related device
> information/attributes in a VM. As an initial series for vDEVICE, add only
> the virt_id to the vDEVICE, which is a vIOMMU specific device ID in a VM:
> e.g. vSID of ARM SMMUv3, vDeviceID of AMD IOMMU, and vRID of Intel VT-d to
> a Context Table. This virt_id helps IOMMU drivers to link the vID to a pID
> of the device against the physical IOMMU instance. This is essential for a
> vIOMMU-based invalidation, where the request contains a device's vID for a
> device cache flush, e.g. ATC invalidation.
> Therefore, with this vDEVICE object, support a vIOMMU-based invalidation,
> by reusing IOMMUFD_CMD_HWPT_INVALIDATE for a vIOMMU object to flush cache
> with a given driver data.
> As for the implementation of the series, add driver support in ARM SMMUv3
> for a real world use case.
> This series is on Github:
> https://github.com/nicolinc/iommufd/commits/iommufd_viommu_p2-v6
> (QEMU branch for testing will be provided in Jason's nesting series)

Thanks Nico

I tested on aarch64, functions are OK.

But with some hacks


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