On Wed, 07 Mar 2018 13:46:24 -0800
Dave Hansen <dave.han...@linux.intel.com> wrote:

> From: Dave Hansen <dave.han...@linux.intel.com>
> I think we need to soften the language a bit.  It might scare folks
> off, especially the:
>        We prefer to fully disclose the bug as soon as possible.
> which is not really the case.  Linus says:
>       It's not full disclosure, it's not coordinated disclosure,
>       and it's not "no disclosure".  It's more like just "timely
>       open fixes".
> I changed a bit of the wording in here, but mostly to remove the word
> "disclosure" since it seems to mean very specific things to people
> that we do not mean here.

If you want to be taken seriously then I think minimum you also need to
- Give a GPG key for messages to the list
- State what security is in place (encryption etc) to protect the list

There are probably a lot more things people would ask but given the
policy now clear that it's basically just an 'early tip off'/'make sure
Linus doesn't miss this' list for very short notification periods doesn't
matter so much.


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