CPIO header is generated in multiple places with the same sprintf()
format string. Move formatting into a single function in preparation
to adding a new cpio format.

Signed-off-by: Taras Kondratiuk <takon...@cisco.com>
 usr/gen_init_cpio.c | 186 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 1 file changed, 92 insertions(+), 94 deletions(-)

diff --git a/usr/gen_init_cpio.c b/usr/gen_init_cpio.c
index 03b21189d58b..7a2a6d85345d 100644
--- a/usr/gen_init_cpio.c
+++ b/usr/gen_init_cpio.c
@@ -64,34 +64,55 @@ static void push_rest(const char *name)
-static void push_hdr(const char *s)
+struct cpio_header {
+       unsigned int ino;
+       unsigned int mode;
+       uid_t uid;
+       gid_t gid;
+       unsigned int nlink;
+       time_t mtime;
+       size_t filesize;
+       int devmajor;
+       int devminor;
+       int rdevmajor;
+       int rdevminor;
+       size_t namesize;
+       unsigned int check;
+static void push_hdr(const struct cpio_header *hdr)
+       char s[256];
+       sprintf(s, "%s%08X%08X%08lX%08lX%08X%08lX"
+                  "%08X%08X%08X%08X%08X%08X%08X",
+               "070701",
+               hdr->ino,
+               hdr->mode,
+               (long)hdr->uid,
+               (long)hdr->gid,
+               hdr->nlink,
+               (long)hdr->mtime,
+               (unsigned int)hdr->filesize,
+               hdr->devmajor,
+               hdr->devminor,
+               hdr->rdevmajor,
+               hdr->rdevminor,
+               (unsigned int)hdr->namesize,
+               hdr->check);
        fputs(s, stdout);
        offset += 110;
 static void cpio_trailer(void)
-       char s[256];
        const char name[] = "TRAILER!!!";
+       struct cpio_header hdr = {
+               .nlink = 1,
+               .namesize = strlen(name)+1,
+       };
-       sprintf(s, "%s%08X%08X%08lX%08lX%08X%08lX"
-              "%08X%08X%08X%08X%08X%08X%08X",
-               "070701",               /* magic */
-               0,                      /* ino */
-               0,                      /* mode */
-               (long) 0,               /* uid */
-               (long) 0,               /* gid */
-               1,                      /* nlink */
-               (long) 0,               /* mtime */
-               0,                      /* filesize */
-               0,                      /* major */
-               0,                      /* minor */
-               0,                      /* rmajor */
-               0,                      /* rminor */
-               (unsigned)strlen(name)+1, /* namesize */
-               0);                     /* chksum */
-       push_hdr(s);
+       push_hdr(&hdr);
        while (offset % 512) {
@@ -103,27 +124,21 @@ static void cpio_trailer(void)
 static int cpio_mkslink(const char *name, const char *target,
                         unsigned int mode, uid_t uid, gid_t gid)
-       char s[256];
        if (name[0] == '/')
-       sprintf(s,"%s%08X%08X%08lX%08lX%08X%08lX"
-              "%08X%08X%08X%08X%08X%08X%08X",
-               "070701",               /* magic */
-               ino++,                  /* ino */
-               S_IFLNK | mode,         /* mode */
-               (long) uid,             /* uid */
-               (long) gid,             /* gid */
-               1,                      /* nlink */
-               (long) default_mtime,   /* mtime */
-               (unsigned)strlen(target)+1, /* filesize */
-               3,                      /* major */
-               1,                      /* minor */
-               0,                      /* rmajor */
-               0,                      /* rminor */
-               (unsigned)strlen(name) + 1,/* namesize */
-               0);                     /* chksum */
-       push_hdr(s);
+       struct cpio_header hdr = {
+               .ino = ino++,
+               .mode = S_IFLNK | mode,
+               .uid = uid,
+               .gid = gid,
+               .nlink = 1,
+               .mtime = default_mtime,
+               .filesize = strlen(target)+1,
+               .devmajor = 3,
+               .devminor = 1,
+               .namesize = strlen(name)+1,
+       };
+       push_hdr(&hdr);
@@ -152,27 +167,20 @@ static int cpio_mkslink_line(const char *line)
 static int cpio_mkgeneric(const char *name, unsigned int mode,
                       uid_t uid, gid_t gid)
-       char s[256];
        if (name[0] == '/')
-       sprintf(s,"%s%08X%08X%08lX%08lX%08X%08lX"
-              "%08X%08X%08X%08X%08X%08X%08X",
-               "070701",               /* magic */
-               ino++,                  /* ino */
-               mode,                   /* mode */
-               (long) uid,             /* uid */
-               (long) gid,             /* gid */
-               2,                      /* nlink */
-               (long) default_mtime,   /* mtime */
-               0,                      /* filesize */
-               3,                      /* major */
-               1,                      /* minor */
-               0,                      /* rmajor */
-               0,                      /* rminor */
-               (unsigned)strlen(name) + 1,/* namesize */
-               0);                     /* chksum */
-       push_hdr(s);
+       struct cpio_header hdr = {
+               .ino = ino++,
+               .mode = mode,
+               .uid = uid,
+               .gid = gid,
+               .nlink = 2,
+               .mtime = default_mtime,
+               .devmajor = 3,
+               .devminor = 1,
+               .namesize = strlen(name)+1,
+       };
+       push_hdr(&hdr);
        return 0;
@@ -241,8 +249,6 @@ static int cpio_mknod(const char *name, unsigned int mode,
                       uid_t uid, gid_t gid, char dev_type,
                       unsigned int maj, unsigned int min)
-       char s[256];
        if (dev_type == 'b')
                mode |= S_IFBLK;
@@ -250,23 +256,20 @@ static int cpio_mknod(const char *name, unsigned int mode,
        if (name[0] == '/')
-       sprintf(s,"%s%08X%08X%08lX%08lX%08X%08lX"
-              "%08X%08X%08X%08X%08X%08X%08X",
-               "070701",               /* magic */
-               ino++,                  /* ino */
-               mode,                   /* mode */
-               (long) uid,             /* uid */
-               (long) gid,             /* gid */
-               1,                      /* nlink */
-               (long) default_mtime,   /* mtime */
-               0,                      /* filesize */
-               3,                      /* major */
-               1,                      /* minor */
-               maj,                    /* rmajor */
-               min,                    /* rminor */
-               (unsigned)strlen(name) + 1,/* namesize */
-               0);                     /* chksum */
-       push_hdr(s);
+       struct cpio_header hdr = {
+               .ino = ino++,
+               .mode = mode,
+               .uid = uid,
+               .gid = gid,
+               .nlink = 1,
+               .mtime = default_mtime,
+               .devmajor = 3,
+               .devminor = 1,
+               .rdevmajor = maj,
+               .rdevminor = min,
+               .namesize = strlen(name)+1,
+       };
+       push_hdr(&hdr);
        return 0;
@@ -296,7 +299,6 @@ static int cpio_mkfile(const char *name, const char 
                        unsigned int mode, uid_t uid, gid_t gid,
                        unsigned int nlinks)
-       char s[256];
        char *filebuf = NULL;
        struct stat buf;
        long size;
@@ -340,23 +342,19 @@ static int cpio_mkfile(const char *name, const char 
                if (name[0] == '/')
                namesize = strlen(name) + 1;
-               sprintf(s,"%s%08X%08X%08lX%08lX%08X%08lX"
-                      "%08lX%08X%08X%08X%08X%08X%08X",
-                       "070701",               /* magic */
-                       ino,                    /* ino */
-                       mode,                   /* mode */
-                       (long) uid,             /* uid */
-                       (long) gid,             /* gid */
-                       nlinks,                 /* nlink */
-                       (long) buf.st_mtime,    /* mtime */
-                       size,                   /* filesize */
-                       3,                      /* major */
-                       1,                      /* minor */
-                       0,                      /* rmajor */
-                       0,                      /* rminor */
-                       namesize,               /* namesize */
-                       0);                     /* chksum */
-               push_hdr(s);
+               struct cpio_header hdr = {
+                       .ino = ino,
+                       .mode = mode,
+                       .uid = uid,
+                       .gid = gid,
+                       .nlink = nlinks,
+                       .mtime = buf.st_mtime,
+                       .filesize = size,
+                       .devmajor = 3,
+                       .devminor = 1,
+                       .namesize = namesize,
+               };
+               push_hdr(&hdr);

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