> +This document is just a brief introduction to the I3C protocol and the 
> concepts
> +it brings on the table. If you need more information, please refer to the 
> +I3C specification.

I wish I could.

> +
> +Introduction
> +============
> +
> +The I3C (I-Cube-C) is a MIPI standardized protocol designed to overcome I2C

"Eye-three-See", according to:

> +Backward compatibility with I2C devices
> +=======================================
> +
> +The I3C protocol has been designed to be backward compatible with I2C 
> devices.
> +This backward compatibility allows one to connect a mix of I2C and I3C 
> devices
> +on the same bus, though, in order to be really efficient, I2C devices should
> +be equipped with 50 ns spike filters.

I just found a slide which says I3C does not support clock stretching.
That should be mentioned here, too.

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