Am 03.06.2016 um 22:47 schrieb Jonathan Corbet <>:

> On Mon, 30 May 2016 23:05:34 +0300
> Jani Nikula <> wrote:
>>> I can't recommend to use rst2pdf (it is less maintained), use default
>>> sphinx LaTeX toolchain.  
>> I think we'll use whatever works, rst2pdf seemed to work for now, but we
>> can change if needed.
> I really like the idea of using rst2pdf and keeping the huge latex
> dependency out of the mix.  I am a bit concerned, though; I've been able
> to crash it in my experiments here.  We may want to have the ability to
> support either chain eventually; otherwise, we might just end up picking
> up maintenance of rst2pdf at some point so that it works properly for us.
> jon

I looked closer to rst2pdf, it supports only the docutils reST, but
not the sphinx superset ...  

<SNIP rst2pdf>-------------
$ rst2pdf  index.rst
index.rst:15: (ERROR/3) Unknown interpreted text role "ref".
index.rst:15: (ERROR/3) Unknown interpreted text role "ref".
index.rst:27: (ERROR/3) Unknown directive type "toctree".

.. toctree::
    :maxdepth: 1


rules like ":ref:", domains like ":c:type:" and directives like ".. toctree:"
are a part of the (extended) reST syntax from sphinx, thats why 
standard docutils (like rst2*) will not work ...

> Am 18.04.2016 um 10:10 schrieb Markus Heiser <>:
> Re: Kernel docs: muddying the waters a bit
> BTW a few words about differences between DockBook and reST (Sphinx).
> With DocBook you write *books*, the protocol (the DocBook application) has
> no facility to *chunk* and interconnect several documents. The external 
> is a workaround on the SGML layer, not on XML nor on the DB-application layer.
> Thats the reason, why so many XML-tools don't handle this entities and
> many DocBook to (e.g.) reST tools are fail.
> With **standard** reST it is nearly the same, except there is a "include"
> directive on the application layer. But this directive is very simple,
> comparable to the C preprocessor "#include" directive.
> With the **superset** reST-markup of Sphinx-doc you get a the "toctree" 
> directive,
> which lets you control how a document-tree should be build.
> @Mauro: you mentioned a docutils (rst2*) experience in your mail 
>      Because the "toctree" directive -- and other directives
>      we use -- are a part of a superset of the **standard** 
>      reST, the standard docutils (like rst2*) will not work.

-- Markus --

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