Hello Lincoln Community Here's a wonderful opportunity to part of the grand Mystic ! ~Jai
*Dear Mystic family, friends and alumni,* We are getting close to our Mystic Chorale Gospel concert, "Gospel of Jazz," led by Jonathan Singleton, on Saturday, March 1. We invite you to be part of the magic! *We are currently seeking volunteers to help in the following roles:* · *Front of House Co-Manager *- With your fellow FOH co-manager, you'll oversee the FOH volunteers who are serving as ushers, audience greeters, our volunteer greeter, ticket and merchandise salespeople, as well as answering questions that they may have and pitching in to help when needed. Start time is 6 p.m. (2 needed) · *Greeters* -You'll represent Mystic Chorale as you welcome ticket holders at the main entrances to Cary Hall, directing them either to the ticket table or to the auditorium doors. Start time is 6:30 p.m. (5 needed) · *Ushers* - You'll welcome people in to the concert hall at an assigned auditorium door, pass out programs and help people find a seat. All ushers will need to attend an orientation. Start time is 6 p.m. (3 needed) · *Livestream Camera Crew* - You'll work one of the cameras for Burlington Access TV. If you are new to camera work, we encourage you to attend part of the Nov. 7 tech rehearsal so the BCAT team can walk you through what you will need to do at the concert. Start time is 6 p.m. (1 needed) · *Livestream Crew Script Coordinator* - With concert script in hand, you will guide the camera crew on where to aim the cameras during each song. Start time is 6:30 p.m. (1 needed) · *Sing Along Lyrics Coordinator* - Using the provided laptop to display the sing along lyrics on the stage screen. Start time is 6:30 p.m. (1 needed) · *Strike Team* - You'll help our sound and livestream team wrap cables, move microphones and stands, and pack things up at the end of the night. (4 needed) *All volunteers will receive a free ticket as our thanks.* *To volunteer:* Send an email to volunt...@mysticchorale.org and tell us which role(s) you are interested in. *Thank you!* ** *More about the concert...* *Come experience the magic of the Mystic Chorale!* *Mystic Gospel: * ***The Gospel of Jazz* Led by Jonathan Singleton *Saturday, March 1, 7:30 p.m.* Cary Hall, 1605 Mass Ave., Lexington, Mass. *TICKETS* Award-winning director and composer, Jonathan Singleton, 150 singers, and featured guest, Renese King, present an eclectic mix of music rooted in the African-American gospel tradition and highlighting the unique connection between gospel and jazz. We’ll perform a diverse program featuring the music of many jazz and gospel artists including Duke Ellington, Kirk Whalum and Walter Hawkins. Renese has been a featured soloist with many choruses and orchestras including the BSO, the Boston Pops and the Tanglewood Festival Chorus. The program includes song, such as *Oh, Happy Day*, *Run On*, *Let’s Have Church*, *Come Sunday*, *Wade in the Water*, *Take Me to the King*, *I Go to the Rock*, *Hold On*, *With a Little Help from My Friends* and more! Let your soul be lifted by this exciting and spirit-filled concert! Jonathan Singleton Renese King *TICKETS* *In-person Tickets: $26.03* Masks are optional. Children under 12 are admitted free. *Purchase in-person tickets* <https://f8nx5fdab.cc.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001gxt_N-HiNL0f_Q194A4D1Qet7rp-fjwkImX0NypQA9GkAwAYXMwj6eGaLtMIWeOCBFYf_ugTKxB_s8XAkTSG5hWyNf7N4QOUHpkT0OKQRxI_YyMVXZCZFzfZbNXI20voFOKFYW1b-UrwOeXKY_qLsutfJj4VVTzT2ch46VcNwuV1J0AcmpzbdoEdjFRK2s4RRg2-vxZG7hji0mDHIaUYhw==&c=KFT1ymAQ1HlDNZff0XDOKh-VMnTpCMQhqqr8TUiXnQ7-BihAKDBnQA==&ch=cmFWhSAewxu0A3IICQreAgcpLatuPpQQntz6aQ52ybDP2iupYp9niw==> *Livestream Tickets: $15.75* *Purchase livestream tickets* <https://f8nx5fdab.cc.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001gxt_N-HiNL0f_Q194A4D1Qet7rp-fjwkImX0NypQA9GkAwAYXMwj6eGaLtMIWeOCJK2hg4OgKofmoK4BhIygEzhM6MzX1nOylLCbtCHTZAAnsUZWe2Fh32ua4W8PmL7I-ZbgkWKaI37aoi-BlDCUeSGnJCRgpyVAs1tXhUFsIZZDYY-03R6oGT9BMKUCMBQ6oZefLUnWxP0=&c=KFT1ymAQ1HlDNZff0XDOKh-VMnTpCMQhqqr8TUiXnQ7-BihAKDBnQA==&ch=cmFWhSAewxu0A3IICQreAgcpLatuPpQQntz6aQ52ybDP2iupYp9niw==> Please order your livestream tickets in advance, so we have time to get you the link to watch the concert. It is difficult for our team to provide the link to day-of-concert ticket buyers. Thanks! More info: www.mysticchorale.org <https://f8nx5fdab.cc.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001gxt_N-HiNL0f_Q194A4D1Qet7rp-fjwkImX0NypQA9GkAwAYXMwj6Xbe-rEaS17nmkc75gPy-21lmsfbFfKZltQ-4l_cRMmzfiM8U41gun9kLd491AUJuTu23u2yFG5Cz1XJhAriAkgHS6kotJvUQyojoZvrevhV&c=KFT1ymAQ1HlDNZff0XDOKh-VMnTpCMQhqqr8TUiXnQ7-BihAKDBnQA==&ch=cmFWhSAewxu0A3IICQreAgcpLatuPpQQntz6aQ52ybDP2iupYp9niw==> [image: Facebook] <https://f8nx5fdab.cc.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001gxt_N-HiNL0f_Q194A4D1Qet7rp-fjwkImX0NypQA9GkAwAYXMwj6bHUCmJ5HmWd6MYgskMSs0by7QP0bI76P2YjGqTKFAC2ZmYnjp8EQMDgHU-stiR-IPMlF8ZEb8xjTJOoQ6os3GCd1e7PnR62XhiB2Yb_CP3x4QZOnwadLO7KbbjYC8j9Gg==&c=KFT1ymAQ1HlDNZff0XDOKh-VMnTpCMQhqqr8TUiXnQ7-BihAKDBnQA==&ch=cmFWhSAewxu0A3IICQreAgcpLatuPpQQntz6aQ52ybDP2iupYp9niw==> [image: Instagram] <https://f8nx5fdab.cc.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001gxt_N-HiNL0f_Q194A4D1Qet7rp-fjwkImX0NypQA9GkAwAYXMwj6RMTOeBQw38TsEK33dD9TOKd7Rd9pb7roReC-78-iQYNa_4X0YERYzr9H7Tg40Wggj63ojy_YgK9i9b2x3tYsgHWSAeMmUskX1L-d6lkB80egy1R4bmUbgATuMIDXfy6BA==&c=KFT1ymAQ1HlDNZff0XDOKh-VMnTpCMQhqqr8TUiXnQ7-BihAKDBnQA==&ch=cmFWhSAewxu0A3IICQreAgcpLatuPpQQntz6aQ52ybDP2iupYp9niw==> [image: Youtube] <https://f8nx5fdab.cc.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001gxt_N-HiNL0f_Q194A4D1Qet7rp-fjwkImX0NypQA9GkAwAYXMwj6aaxRF8buCaQEllPYdk7o4nE3b469IycPgdu6wv4t_4f0WfHwob562vZFkuUOCcNPKLl238vjv98JoFeUGH4RVE4Nn_DkLTaCPYbhStYVJW6yqbTzJtxQPyIGHPW0dGTtZcPS8o42APuHaQE9wptk0hTrplBiJjNRQ==&c=KFT1ymAQ1HlDNZff0XDOKh-VMnTpCMQhqqr8TUiXnQ7-BihAKDBnQA==&ch=cmFWhSAewxu0A3IICQreAgcpLatuPpQQntz6aQ52ybDP2iupYp9niw==> Mystic Chorale | Mystic Chorale 1337 Massachusetts Ave Box 161 | Arlington, MA 02476 US Unsubscribe <https://visitor.constantcontact.com/do?p=un&m=001D5We45zbzFfoIdb4M05UXg%3D&ch=b5a320d0-1585-11e7-b679-d4ae52710c75&ca=3651ee16-0048-48f7-ab0e-38b5aadabb2e> | Constant Contact Data Notice <https://www.constantcontact.com/legal/customer-contact-data-notice> [image: Constant Contact] <https://www.constantcontact.com/landing1/vr/home?cc=nge&utm_campaign=nge&rmc=VF21_CPE&utm_medium=VF21_CPE&utm_source=viral&pn=justconnect&nav=3651ee16-0048-48f7-ab0e-38b5aadabb2e>
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