Do you have some vinyl sitting around you'd like a way to not only play but
also digitize? This great little Jensen JTA-460 turntable and encoder does
exactly that This is
in new condition, except not in the original box, complete with accessories
and manual. Available around the web for a little over $50, offering for
first to reply with a $25 commitment or otherwise best offer by 8pm this
Tuesday 1/14. Email me directly if interested. Pickup on Todd Pond Road.




Digital 3-Speed Stereo Turntable with MP3 Encoding & AM/FM Receiver


The JENSENR JTA-460 3-Speed (33/45/78 RPM) belt-driven Turntable with pitch
control includes and dust cover has its own amplifier, built-in speakers,
multi-function blue back-lit LCD display, and AM/FM Stereo radio with
digital frequency tuning. It also features direct MP3 encoding from the
turntable to a USB flash drive or SD memory card (USB flash drive, and
SD/MMC memory card are not included), so no computer is needed!


Manual at


Best regards,


Rick Rundell

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