Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 10, 2025, at 9:42 AM, Ann Braithwaite <a...@bkmusicpr.com> wrote:

Ann Braithwaite
Braithwaite & Katz Communications
Office: 781-259-9600 
Text: 781-367-9760

On Jan 10, 2025, at 1:29 AM, lincoln-requ...@lincolntalk.org wrote:

Send Lincoln mailing list submissions to

To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to

You can reach the person managing the list at

When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
than "Re: Contents of Lincoln digest..."

Today's Topics:

  1. FF: Uppababy Cruz stroller (Brian DePasquale)
  2. Knitting/Fiber Arts at the Library on Wednesday nights (Pam)
  3. Re: The Supreme Judicial Court's decision on the MBTA
     Communities Act (aka the Housing Choice Act) (Andy Wang)
  4. FW: Masking Update at Mass General Brigham (Stephen R. Low)
  5. FF: mirror doors (Brian DePasquale)
  6. FS for BBI: #69, Calligraphy scroll purchased in Japan, $40
     (Joanna Schmergel)
  7. FS for BBI: #70, Calligraphy scroll purchased in Japan, $40
     (Joanna Schmergel)
  8. FS for BBI: #71, Calligraphy scroll purchased in Japan, $40
     (Joanna Schmergel)
  9. FS for BBI: #72, Calligraphy scroll purchased in Japan, $38
     (Joanna Schmergel)
 10. FS: New Men?s Faction Dictator 1.0 FG All-Mountain Ski
     (E Lieblich)
 11. Seeking iPads/drawing tablets/kindles (Aimee Pappas)
 12. ISO ice machine for post shoulder surgery (Kathy Madison)
 13. Clarification Re: ISO ice machine for post shoulder surgery
     (Kathy Madison)
 14. Running for Office (Fox, Valerie)
 15. Fwd: The Biggest Constitutional Questions of Early America
     (Sara Mattes)
 16. Important decision today for ?MBTA communities?by
     Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court (Anne Warner)


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2025 06:00:25 -0500
From: Brian DePasquale <brian.depasqu...@icloud.com>
To: lincoln@lincolntalk.org
Subject: [LincolnTalk] FF: Uppababy Cruz stroller
Message-ID: <e47846d3-1999-4efc-ab4d-006934b2f...@icloud.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

?Well loved over 8 years by two tiny humans but still has some life in it. Text 914 474 0443 to get it.
102 Lincoln Rd

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Message: 2
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2025 07:47:17 -0500
From: Pam <kelboa...@comcast.net>
To: Lincoln Talk <lincoln@lincolntalk.org>
Subject: [LincolnTalk] Knitting/Fiber Arts at the Library on Wednesday
Message-ID: <217f05be-022c-4192-b935-8b88bd73b...@comcast.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Dear LT,

Since we are starting a new year, it seems appropriate to remind everyone that a group of us meet at the Lincoln Public Library for knitting and other fiber arts on Wednesday nights from 7:00 - 8:30 pm. Anyone is welcome to join, and we would love to see some new faces! If you have any questions, please contact me directly.

Pam Boardman


Message: 3
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2025 07:41:46 -0600
From: Andy Wang <andyrw...@gmail.com>
To: Robert Domnitz <bobdom...@hotmail.com>
Cc: Lincoln Talk <lincoln@lincolntalk.org>
Subject: Re: [LincolnTalk] The Supreme Judicial Court's decision on
the MBTA Communities Act (aka the Housing Choice Act)
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

It sounds like the issue was that the Executive Office of Housing and
Livable Communities (EOHLC), which developed the guidelines, should have
filed certain public notices with the secretary of the commonwealth as
required by the Administrative Procedure Act because the 'guidelines' were
effectively regulations. The law is just "presently unenforceable" until
they do that, but sounds like they are going to file emergency regulations
by the end of the week.

Could they change the guidelines, sure, but it didn't seem like the SJC had
any issue with the guidelines themselves that would indicate that they
needed to (but also, not the issue in the case). I wouldn't necessarily
characterize that as 'back to the drawing board', but I'll let others make
their own judgement on that.

Otherwise, the ruling appears to side mostly with the State in terms of the
constitutionality of the law, the ability to delegate to the HLC for
guidelines, and the ability for the AG to sue for compliance as well as not
limit the consequences to the 4 grants specified.

- Andy

On Thu, Jan 9, 2025 at 12:03?AM Robert Domnitz <bobdom...@hotmail.com>

The SJC released its decision today on Attorney General v. Town of
Milton.  The decision may impact many communities served by the MBTA. The
decision vacates and renders unenforceable the complex regulations adopted
by the state's housing agency, EOHLC.  The SJC stated that the agency
failed to follow the procedures laid out in the state's Administrative
Procedures Act.  So it's back to the drawing board for EOHLC.  If the
regulations EOHLC ultimately adopts differ meaningfully from the present
(now vacated) regulations, MBTA communities may find that they need to, or
wish to, amend their recent zoning actions.

Here's the summary paragraph at the end of the decision:

Conclusion. For the foregoing reasons, we declare that the act creates an
affirmative duty for each MBTA community to have a zoning bylaw that allows
for at least one district of reasonable size where multifamily housing is
permitted as of right, as dictated by G. L. c. 40A, ? 3A, and that the
act's delegation of authority to HLC to promulgate guidelines does not
violate art. 30 of the Massachusetts Declaration of Rights. We further
declare that the Attorney General has the power to bring suit for
declaratory and injunctive relief to enforce ? 3A and its corresponding
guidelines. However, because HLC's current guidelines were not promulgated
in accordance with the APA, we declare them ineffective and, as such,
presently unenforceable.

The full decision is here:

The LincolnTalk mailing list.
To post, send mail to Lincoln@lincolntalk.org.
Browse the archives at https://pairlist9.pair.net/mailman/private/lincoln/
Change your subscription settings at

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Message: 4
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2025 08:42:18 -0500
From: "Stephen R. Low" <steve....@gordianconcepts.com>
To: "Lincoln Talk" <lincoln@lincolntalk.org>
Subject: [LincolnTalk] FW: Masking Update at Mass General Brigham
Message-ID: <182a01db629c$4e23f080$ea6bd180$@gordianconcepts.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Forwarding this disturbing message from Mass General Hospital.



This message is available in Arabic ( <https://click.email.patientgateway.org/?qs=91e0fcc8580b7521c9d335898d4212510637c53726effdfff2264120c4b82052c1c185302ae38fa83e6b0568bc84d61771ab140f788d11c2247fd8453de5006c> ???????), Chinese ( <https://click.email.patientgateway.org/?qs=91e0fcc8580b7521272949937b82ef9bdb008246c4d595f36c9b59caa8ef3bc963de8d5b6354be4c74c5becda6b5af58ba7b8e759088bf241ac2c48f979b1bc3> ????), Haitian Creole (  <https://click.email.patientgateway.org/?qs=91e0fcc8580b75218096279c89665568fdbb7a21976a36168fbf9f6d73587232abce6fad573576f86de1e9bf66afe348bc695a922821af0cdf549898a46e3ede> Krey?l ayisyen), Portuguese (  <https://click.email.patientgateway.org/?qs=91e0fcc8580b75218ef71c1612f4b6b791d483dd3e302828ed8c8bb493ae501638993e0ebb4f604c6c56425a4b1903dffa8de07569e373ee1a8f35041f8da398> Portugu?s), Russian ( <https://click.email.patientgateway.org/?qs=91e0fcc8580b75211c48db949f4b97c55f8d370fc0da5e91592827e3c3b65d495d1339f274908eadf9529edb1e642e51e8f9cc01726301c7abad11175c
eceb76> ???????), and Spanish ( <https://click.email.patientgateway.org/?qs=91e0fcc8580b7521c7fa8199604c3de31d8d40bad60620444042ccf013ffe0a68847350256c5bb024ea585d1ff8f89cf51a2901cbb543bc6395c1fde94be72fc> Espa?ol).

Dear Patient,

We hope you and your family had a healthy and festive holiday season.

We are writing to let you know about changes you will see at Mass General Brigham clinics and hospitals. We monitor respiratory virus activity throughout the year. Our community has now reached a  <https://click.email.patientgateway.org/?qs=91e0fcc8580b7521f1240099291cc3d5440c4924755c383f184bcb88afa44619e80e2b0ad860dcd157ab2dba7285626a2eba0053a5946aa4e0b3cc2c1b86ec88> high level of respiratory virus activity.

To protect our patients, visitors, and staff, as of January 6th, you will see staff wearing masks more often. We do this during periods of high respiratory virus activity to protect our patients and care teams.

During this period, you will see staff masking during direct interactions with patients in clinical locations. Direct interactions are those in patient rooms, patient bays, and other clinical care areas. Care team members are required to wear masks in these situations.

Patients and visitors will be strongly encouraged, but not required, to wear a facility-issued face mask during direct interactions with care team members in Mass General Brigham clinical locations.

Care team members, patients and visitors are not required to mask in lobbies, waiting rooms, or other common areas.

All Mass General Brigham facilities and clinics will follow the same processes. Please note that other hospitals and systems may have different interventions. For more information about masking at Mass General Brigham, see  <https://click.email.patientgateway.org/?qs=91e0fcc8580b752101b6aa9b9e1f7f7b7ff02f8dd2060dd5b164bb3fe88d98da4da7a8cbadee872ea01eaff9928561d3e4ea0ef95257294554025366e6704fbb> our website.

As a reminder:

*     If you are a patient, please contact your care team if you meet any of the criteria below before an in-person appointment. They can advise you about next steps.

*         Have a fever or other flu-like  <https://click.email.patientgateway.org/?qs=91e0fcc8580b7521020f12ee2d6f8870e1bf549ea635ad58f53b0e12354af0a9ecf4f53c815268833d413faadd0d82e3ddd9f6ea1b065a63cd9a570ba9e89422> symptoms

*         Have a known COVID-19 infection within the last 10 days

*         Have a known exposure to COVID-19 within the last 10 days

*     If you are a visitor or support person:

*         If you have symptoms of fever or other flu-like symptoms, we ask you to wait to visit.

*         If you have been exposed to COVID, as long as you do not have symptoms, you can visit, but you must wear a facility-issued mask during your visit. If you choose to use your own mask, you must wear a facility-issued face mask on top of your own N95 respirator or face mask. By wearing one of our masks on top of your mask from home, it helps us know that the mask you are wearing is clean and effective.

See our  <https://click.email.patientgateway.org/?qs=91e0fcc8580b7521617e9175bc22984138851474a8ea95caeff84f020beb18a108eea2b5d550cc7c1c5f9ac9631fbfc1168a2fc22e7a1eebb02f9865bd66c114> visitor policy for more information.

Thank you for taking the time to read this email.


Tom Sequist, MD
Chief Medical Officer
Mass General Brigham

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Message: 5
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2025 09:33:42 -0500
From: Brian DePasquale <brian.depasqu...@icloud.com>
To: lincoln@lincolntalk.org
Subject: [LincolnTalk] FF: mirror doors
Message-ID: <3aed7e9b-a7f3-43b9-9adb-a7a47d5fe...@icloud.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Pair of sliding closet doors with large mirrors. Old, and not particularly nice, but big and free. Txt 914 474 0443

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Message: 6
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2025 12:06:58 -0500
From: Joanna Schmergel <downsizefordivers...@gmail.com>
To: LincolnTalk <lincoln@lincolntalk.org>
Subject: [LincolnTalk] FS for BBI: #69, Calligraphy scroll purchased
in Japan, $40
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

For sale, with 100% of all proceeds going to the Boston Bridges Initiative,
a 501(c)3 here in the Boston MetroWest supporting all METCO groups
including Lincoln:

Calligraphy scroll purchased in Japan, washi paper framed in silk


78? X 17?

Cadet blue on cream


Purchased in Japan in recent decades by our very generous Belmont donor who
is a career Japanese calligraphy artist and has spent significant time in
Japan.  She has just donated an extensive collection of these calligraphy
scrolls to the Boston Bridges Initiative

The original boxes are not available as our donor sends the empty boxes
back to her friends in Japan

*Often Japanese calligraphers will write a Chinese poem as the characters
were originally adopted from China. But these are calligraphed by Japanese

Please see the link below for more photos:


Please call Joanna Schmergel to purchase at 617-645-9059. Pickup at 18
Cerulean Way.

*Giant dog is friendly

*Please also find me, Joanna Owen Schmergel on Facebook and check out my
other Facebook Marketplace listings. *

*Serious inquiries only please. *

* All sales are final and all items are sold ?As Is?.*

Payment in cash, check or credit card on site

*BBI?s Mission:*

Facilitate cultural exchange and promote meaningful social interaction
between city and suburban families

*Learn more about the Boston Bridges Initiative here:*
*https://bostonbridgesinitiative.org <https://bostonbridgesinitiative.org>*

The Downsize for Diversity ART program was started by the 501(c)(3)
organization, the Lincoln METCO Coordinating Committee. From 2017 to 2022
we netted $170,000. This was invested into our policy-driven endowment
growth fund.

Downsize for Diversity moved to the Boston Bridges Initiative, another
METCO-supporting 501(c)(3), in January of 2023, and has netted over
$101,000 to date.

*We are all unpaid volunteers *
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Message: 7
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2025 12:10:17 -0500
From: Joanna Schmergel <downsizefordivers...@gmail.com>
To: LincolnTalk <lincoln@lincolntalk.org>
Subject: [LincolnTalk] FS for BBI: #70, Calligraphy scroll purchased
in Japan, $40
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

For sale, with 100% of all proceeds going to the Boston Bridges Initiative,
a 501(c)3 here in the Boston MetroWest supporting all METCO groups
including Lincoln:

Calligraphy scroll purchased in Japan, washi paper framed in silk


80? X 18.75?

Jade on white


Purchased in Japan in recent decades by our very generous Belmont donor who
is a career Japanese calligraphy artist and has spent significant time in
Japan.  She has just donated an extensive collection of these calligraphy
scrolls to the Boston Bridges Initiative

The original boxes are not available as our donor sends the empty boxes
back to her friends in Japan

*Often Japanese calligraphers will write a Chinese poem as the characters
were originally adopted from China. But these are calligraphed by Japanese

Please see the link below for more photos:


Please call Joanna Schmergel to purchase at 617-645-9059. Pickup at 18
Cerulean Way.

*Giant dog is friendly

*Please also find me, Joanna Owen Schmergel on Facebook and check out my
other Facebook Marketplace listings. *

*Serious inquiries only please. *

* All sales are final and all items are sold ?As Is?.*

Payment in cash, check or credit card on site

*BBI?s Mission:*

Facilitate cultural exchange and promote meaningful social interaction
between city and suburban families

*Learn more about the Boston Bridges Initiative here:*
*https://bostonbridgesinitiative.org <https://bostonbridgesinitiative.org>*

The Downsize for Diversity ART program was started by the 501(c)(3)
organization, the Lincoln METCO Coordinating Committee. From 2017 to 2022
we netted $170,000. This was invested into our policy-driven endowment
growth fund.

Downsize for Diversity moved to the Boston Bridges Initiative, another
METCO-supporting 501(c)(3), in January of 2023, and has netted over
$101,000 to date.

*We are all unpaid volunteers *
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Message: 8
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2025 12:13:40 -0500
From: Joanna Schmergel <downsizefordivers...@gmail.com>
To: LincolnTalk <lincoln@lincolntalk.org>
Subject: [LincolnTalk] FS for BBI: #71, Calligraphy scroll purchased
in Japan, $40
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

For sale, with 100% of all proceeds going to the Boston Bridges Initiative,
a 501(c)3 here in the Boston MetroWest supporting all METCO groups
including Lincoln:

Calligraphy scroll purchased in Japan, washi paper framed in silk


76? X 17?

Grey on brown, cream


Purchased in Japan in recent decades by our very generous Belmont donor who
is a career Japanese calligraphy artist and has spent significant time in
Japan.  She has just donated an extensive collection of these calligraphy
scrolls to the Boston Bridges Initiative

The original boxes are not available as our donor sends the empty boxes
back to her friends in Japan

*Often Japanese calligraphers will write a Chinese poem as the characters
were originally adopted from China. But these are calligraphed by Japanese

Please see the link below for more photos:


Please call Joanna Schmergel to purchase at 617-645-9059. Pickup at 18
Cerulean Way.

*Giant dog is friendly

*Please also find me, Joanna Owen Schmergel on Facebook and check out my
other Facebook Marketplace listings. *

*Serious inquiries only please. *

* All sales are final and all items are sold ?As Is?.*

Payment in cash, check or credit card on site

*BBI?s Mission:*

Facilitate cultural exchange and promote meaningful social interaction
between city and suburban families

*Learn more about the Boston Bridges Initiative here:*
*https://bostonbridgesinitiative.org <https://bostonbridgesinitiative.org>*

The Downsize for Diversity ART program was started by the 501(c)(3)
organization, the Lincoln METCO Coordinating Committee. From 2017 to 2022
we netted $170,000. This was invested into our policy-driven endowment
growth fund.

Downsize for Diversity moved to the Boston Bridges Initiative, another
METCO-supporting 501(c)(3), in January of 2023, and has netted over
$101,000 to date.

*We are all unpaid volunteers *
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Message: 9
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2025 12:17:29 -0500
From: Joanna Schmergel <downsizefordivers...@gmail.com>
To: LincolnTalk <lincoln@lincolntalk.org>
Subject: [LincolnTalk] FS for BBI: #72, Calligraphy scroll purchased
in Japan, $38
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

For sale, with 100% of all proceeds going to the Boston Bridges Initiative,
a 501(c)3 here in the Boston MetroWest supporting all METCO groups
including Lincoln:

Calligraphy scroll purchased in Japan, washi paper framed in silk


37? X 15?

Mocha on peach


Purchased in Japan in recent decades by our very generous Belmont donor who
is a career Japanese calligraphy artist and has spent significant time in
Japan.  She has just donated an extensive collection of these calligraphy
scrolls to the Boston Bridges Initiative

The original boxes are not available as our donor sends the empty boxes
back to her friends in Japan

*Often Japanese calligraphers will write a Chinese poem as the characters
were originally adopted from China. But these are calligraphed by Japanese

Please see the link below for more photos:


Please call Joanna Schmergel to purchase at 617-645-9059. Pickup at 18
Cerulean Way.

*Giant dog is friendly

*Please also find me, Joanna Owen Schmergel on Facebook and check out my
other Facebook Marketplace listings. *

*Serious inquiries only please. *

* All sales are final and all items are sold ?As Is?.*

Payment in cash, check or credit card on site

*BBI?s Mission:*

Facilitate cultural exchange and promote meaningful social interaction
between city and suburban families

*Learn more about the Boston Bridges Initiative here:*
*https://bostonbridgesinitiative.org <https://bostonbridgesinitiative.org>*

The Downsize for Diversity ART program was started by the 501(c)(3)
organization, the Lincoln METCO Coordinating Committee. From 2017 to 2022
we netted $170,000. This was invested into our policy-driven endowment
growth fund.

Downsize for Diversity moved to the Boston Bridges Initiative, another
METCO-supporting 501(c)(3), in January of 2023, and has netted over
$101,000 to date.

*We are all unpaid volunteers *
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Message: 10
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2025 08:08:53 -0500
From: E Lieblich <lizzie1...@gmail.com>
To: Lincoln Talk <lincoln@lincolntalk.org>
Subject: [LincolnTalk] FS: New Men?s Faction Dictator 1.0 FG
All-Mountain Ski
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Asking $275.00

Specs: 120-86-110

Length: 162

With Bindings

Here is the "Feel Good" version of Faction's Dictator 1.0. Thus, the
Dictator 1.0 FG is a softened variant of this all-mountain ski, similar in
all respects to the original except for the removal of a double titanium
plate. An operation that makes it more accessible both technically and
physically while still retaining the same versatility.

The 2022 Faction Dictator 1.0 FG:

The Faction Dictator 1.0 FG is the easy-to-ski, do-it-all model that
aspiring skiers crave. The Dictator 1.0 FG is Faction's Dicatator without
any of the metal, making the ski softer and more manageable. Made in
Austria, this flat tail, all mountain ski earns the highest possible marks
for quality and durability. For intermediate and advanced skiers, the
Dictator 1.0 FG's versatile waist width, progressive shape and dependable
wood core allow for effortless turn initiation and dependable edge hold.
?Feeling Great? is what this ski is all about. You'll love this ski if: You
want to go fast but under control; You want a ski that is easy to turn in
all conditions; You are skiing a wide variety of terrain, from groomers to
bumps to trees.
2022 Faction Dictator 1.0 FG Specs:
Dimensions: 120/86/110
Radius: 14m@162cm
Rocker: Freeride Rocker
Ability Level:
intermediate and advanced
Construction: Full Sidewall

Liz Lieblich
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Message: 11
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2025 14:52:52 -0500
From: Aimee Pappas <ai...@codmanfarm.org>
To: lincoln@lincolntalk.org
Subject: [LincolnTalk] Seeking iPads/drawing tablets/kindles
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Hi everyone,

One of my closest friends and his wife lost their house in the Los Angeles
Easton fire last night. They have two children age four and six. They fled
the area with only the clothes they were wearing.

I?m putting together a support package for them and trying to find things
that won?t be too much of a physical burden to move around while they find
housing and try to stabilize after this loss. I?m wondering if any of you
have old iPads (or other tablets) laying around that you would be willing
to give this family. I?m looking for tablets that the kids can draw, read
books, and watch movies on while mom and dad figure out what to do.

If you can help, feel free to text/call/email me!
Thanks so much!

Aimee Pappas
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Message: 12
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2025 17:43:32 -0500
From: Kathy Madison <kathymadi...@mac.com>
To: Lincoln Talk <lincoln@lincolntalk.org>
Subject: [LincolnTalk] ISO ice machine for post shoulder surgery
Message-ID: <2b5f4872-8832-4492-880b-76455bdf3...@mac.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Our neighbor is having shoulder replacement surgery in early February & I wondered if anyone might have an ice machine she could borrow or buy. Please respond by return email to me directly if you do or have suggestions.
Thank you!
Kathy Madison
Concord Road


Message: 13
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2025 17:58:08 -0500
From: Kathy Madison <kathymadi...@mac.com>
To: Lincoln Talk <lincoln@lincolntalk.org>
Subject: [LincolnTalk] Clarification Re: ISO ice machine for post
shoulder surgery
Message-ID: <45c4562c-ca72-422a-b072-936c146ce...@mac.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

This is a wearable device. Thanks in advance. /km

On Jan 9, 2025, at 5:43 PM, Kathy Madison <kathymadi...@mac.com> wrote:

?Our neighbor is having shoulder replacement surgery in early February & I wondered if anyone might have an ice machine she could borrow or buy. Please respond by return email to me directly if you do or have suggestions.
Thank you!
Kathy Madison
Concord Road


Message: 14
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2025 23:34:46 +0000
From: "Fox, Valerie" <f...@lincolntown.org>
To: "lincoln@lincolntalk.org" <lincoln@lincolntalk.org>
Subject: [LincolnTalk] Running for Office

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Attention Candidates for Local Office!

Looking for a rewarding, if occasionally vexing way to feel more connected?  Willing to undertake new challenges?  Unafraid to speak up?  Then run for local office!

The Annual Town Election will take place on Monday, March 31st, 2025.  Nomination papers are available at the Town Clerk's Office until 5pm on Thursday, February 6th,, 2025.

Papers must be returned by 5:00 pm, Monday, February 10, 2025.  Please contact Valerie Fox at f...@lincolntown.org<mailto:f...@lincolntown.org> if you are interested. We are happy to assist, please email or telephone 781-259-2607.

The following offices will appear on the March ballot:

 *   Board of Assessors - one seat for three years
 *   Board of Health - one seat for three years
 *   Cemetery Commission - one seat for three years
 *   Commissioners of Trust Funds - one seat for three years
 *   Lincoln-Sudbury Regional District School Committee - two seats for three years
 *   Parks and Recreation Committee - one seat for three years
 *   Planning Board - two seats for three years
 *   K-8 School Committee - one seat for two years & one seat for three years
 *   Select Board - one seat for three years
 *   Town Clerk- one seat for three years
 *   Trustees of Bemis Fund - one seat for three years
 *   Trustees of Lincoln Library - one seat for three years
 *   Water Commissioner - one seat for three years

Thank you,

Valerie Fox, CMMC, MMC

Town Clerk
Justice of the Peace
Lincoln Cemetery Agent
Town Archives Co-Director and Chief Records Access Officer

16 Lincoln Road
Lincoln, MA   01773
Tel.: 781 259-2607   Fax: 781 259-8735

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Message: 15
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2025 19:32:01 -0500
From: Sara Mattes <samat...@gmail.com>
To: Lincoln Talk <lincoln@lincolntalk.org>
Subject: [LincolnTalk] Fwd: The Biggest Constitutional Questions of
Early America
Message-ID: <197f4353-2fb7-4b85-bf08-f1a6544a4...@gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

A reminder

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From: Concord Museum <i...@concordmuseum.org>
Subject: The Biggest Constitutional Questions of Early America
Date: January 9, 2025 at 10:15:09?AM EST
To: <samat...@gmail.com>
Reply-To: Concord Museum <i...@concordmuseum.org>

View this email in your browser <https://mailchi.mp/concordmuseum/ib5x3jfxrg-5037702?e=68b6506035>
The Biggest Constitutional Questions of Early America
Akhil Amar on The US Constitution
Concord Museum Forum
January 16 | 7:00 ? 8:00 pm
Members Free | Non-Members $10 | Virtual Free
Akhil Amar, preeminent legal scholar and author of The Words That Made Us: America?s Constitutional Conversation, 1760-1840, joins us for a conversation on the US Constitution.

Uniting history and law through the biggest constitutional questions early Americans confronted, Professor Amar discusses the formative decades of the Constitution after its ratification and its resonance today.

As Professor Amar notes, our national ?constitutional conversation continues? to this day ?in courtrooms, classrooms, newsrooms, family rooms and everywhere in between.?   

Exhibition Spotlight Talk
Portrait Mode
January 10 | 12:00 ? 12:30 pm
With Museum Admission | Members Visit Free
Take a deep dive into some of the stories featured in the Museum?s special exhibition Portrait Mode with Associate Curator and Director of Exhibitions Reed Gochberg. In this specialty tour, you will go beyond the labels to understand whose faces become a part of history.

No registration required.
MLK Day of Service
Family Program
January 20 | 10:00 ? 11:30 am
Free | Participants are asked to bring supplemental food.
Gather at the Concord Museum to prepare Kids? Bags that provide kid-friendly meals and snacks for a child in our local community.  An activity for the whole family, decorate and assemble bags to help ensure a child has access to healthy food. Hosted by the Concord Museum Contemporary Leaders and in partnership with Open Table.
Concord Museum
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Visit Us
Winter Hours:
Thu ? Sun: 10am?4pm

Open: MLK Day
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Follow us

Forums for the 250th Anniversary of the American Revolution are made possible by a gift from Claire and Joshua Nelson. Forums are supported in part by the Sally Lanagan Fund.

Copyright (C) 2025 Concord Museum. All rights reserved.

You are receiving this email because you signed up for our mailing list on the website, at a program, or as a Museum member.
Our mailing address is:
Concord Museum 53 Cambridge Turnpike Concord, Massachusetts 01742 USA
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Message: 16
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2025 20:25:05 -0500
From: Anne Warner <warneran...@gmail.com>
To: Lincoln Talk <lincoln@lincolntalk.org>
Subject: [LincolnTalk] Important decision today for ?MBTA
communities?by Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court
Message-ID: <3603cfbc-76ac-4827-9ca0-3cf8ed7ad...@gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

The SJC released its decision today on Attorney General v. Town of Milton.  The decision may impact many communities served by the MBTA. The decision vacates and renders unenforceable the complex regulations adopted by the state's housing agency, EOHLC.  The SJC stated that the agency failed to follow the procedures laid out in the state's Administrative Procedures Act.  So it's back to the drawing board for EOHLC.  If the regulations EOHLC ultimately adopts differ meaningfully from the present (now vacated) regulations, MBTA communities may find that they need to, or wish to, amend their recent zoning actions.  

Here's the summary paragraph at the end of the decision:

Conclusion. For the foregoing reasons, we declare that the act creates an affirmative duty for each MBTA community to have a zoning bylaw that allows for at least one district of reasonable size where multifamily housing is permitted as of right, as dictated by G. L. c. 40A, ? 3A, and that the act's delegation of authority to HLC to promulgate guidelines does not violate art. 30 of the Massachusetts Declaration of Rights. We further declare that the Attorney General has the power to bring suit for declaratory and injunctive relief to enforce ? 3A and its corresponding guidelines. However, because HLC's current guidelines were not promulgated in accordance with the APA, we declare them ineffective and, as such, presently unenforceable.

The full decision is here:  https://www.mass.gov/files/documents/2025/01/08/h13580.pdf

- Sent from iPhone. Typed by thumb. Excuse misspellings!
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