Hello! I am hoping to find a responsible person who would like to help us feed our cat while we are gone (perhaps a cuddle or two) . We only need *4 visits between 12/26 (1x pm) 12/27 (2x am/pm) and 12/28 (1x am)*. We can pay $15 per visit (negotiable) including once before we leave to give instructions.
Please email if you can help! Thank you so much. -- *TO BE AN ARTIST IS TO BELIEVE IN LIFE* - Henry Moore *20 minutes a day is all it takes to transform your brain when learning a new skill.* Jessica Cooper | Voice Teacher Pronouns: she/her/hers *what''s this? <https://assets2.hrc.org/files/assets/resources/TalkingAboutPronouns_onesheet_FINAL.pdf>* Member, NATS Boston <https://www.natsboston.org> current project: Henry Purcell Society of Boston <http://www.BostonPurcell.org> personal website: Jessica Cooper: soprano <http://www.jessicacoopersoprano.com> 617.840.3921 <(617)%20840-3921>; Cell Book a 60 minute voice lesson <https://calendly.com/jessica-publicwords/60-minute-coaching-session> Book a 30 minute evaluation <https://calendly.com/jessica-publicwords/30min>
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