Thank you for making the FELS Thanksgiving Pie sale a success.  In addition
to pies for family Thanksgiving tables, we distributed 40 pies to our
towns’ food pantries, 19 pies to our public safety offices, 51 donated pies
to LSRHS faculty and staff!

While the net proceeds of our pie sale contributes to our wherewithal to
provide grant funding to LSRHS faculty and staff, *direct donations are the
larger component of our grant budget.*  Our FELS Annual Appeal continues
through this season of giving.  As a way of saying “Thanks", please
consider making a donation that will impact on our faculty and staff’s
ability to realize personal and professional goals and aspirations.
Teachers who receive FELS grant funding return to their work refreshed and
renewed and in turn make a significant impact in the classroom.

If you have not made a donation, please consider one as we close 2024 and
gather with our families and friends.  You can donate via this link:    If you have already
contributed, thank you so very much!

With gratitude and best wishes for a restful and peaceful holiday from FELS!

Nancy Marshall and Tara Mitchell,

Co-Presidents, FELS
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