All Lincoln residents and members of our school community may hear and speak to the Preliminary FY26 Budget proposal for the Lincoln (PK-8) School District at a public hearing on Thursday December 19 beginning at 6 pm. Instructions for public participation are in the notice below. You may preview the budget proposal here <> on the district’s website or in-person through the school business office. The School Committee will have several discussions in the following weeks before approving a final budget for consideration at Town Meeting in March.
NOTICE OF FY26 BUDGET HEARING LINCOLN SCHOOL COMMITTEE In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 71, Section 38N of the Massachusetts General Laws, the Lincoln School Committee will hold a formal FY26 budget hearing on December 19, 2024 as part of the School Committee meeting beginning at 6:00 PM. The meeting will be held in the Hartwell Building Multipurpose Room, 6 Ballfield Road, Lincoln, MA 01773. Members of the public can watch via Zoom at <> Zoom meeting information is also available on the Lincoln School website at <>. Anyone interested in participating in this meeting, please email <> prior to 3:00 PM on the day of the meeting and you will be sent participation instructions. A copy of the proposed budget is available on the LPS website at <> or through the LPS Business Office, 2nd Floor, Hartwell Building, Lincoln, MA.
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