Thank you, Sarah, for bringing this concern about the Caulkins reading program 
to the LT spotlight.

 For LT readers who would like to better understand this issue (it’s 
far-reaching and impactful!), take the time to listen to this excellent podcast 
produced by American Public Media: “Sold a Story”

Or search for it on Spotify podcasts.

I’ve recommended this podcast to many people—along with supporting programs 
like Springboard Collaborative<> which 
seek to correct the failings of curriculums such as that marketed by Caulkins 
et al. (and which has been used in the Lincoln Public Schools for years 
unfortunately). I’ve seen Springboard Collaborative in action in the Boston 
Public Schools as a reading skills  intervention— and its  evidence-based, 
phonics-rooted, parent-involved method has measurable positive impact on 
students’ reading skills—and by extension their self confidence and enjoyment 
of learning.

If you haven’t already, I hope you’ll take the time to listen to this podcast, 
advocate for evidence-based reading instruction locally, and even consider a 
year-end contribution to Springboard Collaborative (also supported by MacKenzie 
Scott, the Skillman Foundation, the Green Light Fund, Echoing Green, among 
others who do their homework before funding).

Carolyn Montie

Message: 8
Date: Wed, 4 Dec 2024 21:00:58 -0500
From: ?Sarah Postlethwait <>
To: "" <>
Subject: [LincolnTalk] Calkins lawsuit
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

New Lawsuit filed against Lucy Calkins, Irene Fountas, and Gay Su Pinnell
in MA for their low quality curriculum they sold to MA schools, including
Lincoln Public Schools.

Despite pleas from Lincoln parents to remove the Lucy Calkins curriculum
from LPS, also known as ?Units of Study?, this subpar curriculum is still
being used to teach our children.

The good news is- we can all join the class action lawsuit soon!

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