Dr Alice Hunter at LC Burlington and Lexington BILH on Hayden ave.
2 rotator cuff tears repairs, carpal tunnel and various tendon/buritis issues in shoulders elbow and wrists.  A great surgeon and great bedside manner too.

Carol Bickford 

On Dec 4, 2024, at 12:10 PM, Gus Browne <gusbrow...@gmail.com> wrote:

A year ago, Michael Brunelli (a Lincoln Resident) successfully removed a bone spur from my wife's right shoulder -- after the cause of her pain had been misdiagnosed by another orthopedist.

Dr. Brunelli has, over many years, also corrected painful carpal tunnel problems in both her wrists and also rebuilt one thumb that had developed severe arthritic damage.

I recommend him for any problem from your shoulder down to your fingertips.

--  Gus Browne

On Wed, Dec 4, 2024, 8:51 AM Mary Kostman via Lincoln <lincoln@lincolntalk.org> wrote:

I am seeking a skilled shoulder surgeon for a consult.  Please send me a name if you have had good results.

Thank you.

Mary Kostman
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