Upcoming Free Zoom Lunch & Learn for Family Caregivers, Retirees & Solo Agers. Register: https://cmkhomecare.net/caregiver-support-project/ Date & Time: Wednesday December 18th, 2024, @ 12noon - 1pm EST Topic: An Overview of PACE PACE stands for "Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly" - it is a provider-based, fully integrated healthcare plan for individuals who are aged 55 and over and have significant healthcare needs. PACE is the alternative to the nursing home; participants get all the care they need while staying in their communities where they feel comfortable. PACE is a resource for caregivers, housing providers, and others seeking to support older adults to age with dignity and respect in the setting of their choosing Presenter: Jennifer Maynard Batcheller, Executive Director, MassPACE Association Carmel Owner/Director CMK Home Care, LLC https://cmkhomecare.net/ GrandSolutions to Care https://retirementbeyond.com/ The Pursuit of Peace
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