Zoom in with CFREE on *December 4th at 7:00 p.m.* to hear *Ross
Trethewey*, P.E.,
M.Eng.,Building Engineer for *This Old House* and *Ask This Old House, *talk
about *Electrifying the Home  - Where and When It Makes Sense to do so.*

 Register here
go to www.lincolngreenenergy.org

Ross Trethewey is Principal of TE2 Engineering with extensive experience
updating homes to create a more energy-efficient and sustainable
environment. He has a pragmatic approach to the important topic of
electrification and the removal of fossil fuels from the home.  His
presentation provides an excellent holistic view of the aspects you as a
homeowner need to consider when looking at energy efficiency changes that
also provide a better environment for healthier living.

*Sponsored by CFREE* (Carbon Free Residential - Everything Electric) a
subcommittee of the Green Energy Committee.

*Co-sponsored by MetroWest Climate SolutionsGreen
NewtonMassEnergizeElectrify Arlington*
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