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Need to re-home cockerel, born this spring. He's a Serama bantam, less
than one pound. Old enough that the flock's rooster will not tolerate
him. When the flock could free-range, the cockerel could avoid the
rooster and at night, he was somehow able to join the flock in the
coop. But now that they're all confined in the run, there's no place he
can get away from the rooster. He's been hiding in the coop darting out
for food and water. The small size of Serama roosters means their
crowing is about as loud as that of a regular bird and they are not
aggressive. Please contact me at k...@alum.mit.edu or 781-259-0563 if
you're interested, want to see a picture or come see him or have
questions/suggestions. Thank you.
- [LincolnTalk] seeking home for tiny rooster Karen Seo