Recently, we sent money and a birthday card to our grandson in Alabama. The card arrived with no money inside. Upon careful examination, we noticed at the bottom of the envelope had been carefully cut open, and then resealed with invisible tape. We always mail cards with money into the slot inside the post office, so we think this was probably an inside job somewhere along the route. 

Ruth Ann
(She, her, hers)

On Jun 10, 2024, at 10:29 AM, DJCP <> wrote:

I had that happen a few years ago and then read in the squirrel that someone was stealing mail from the post office drop box behind the building. I did have someone try and cash a fraudulent check before the scheme was discovered. The post office has since removed that drop box and changed the one in front to one that's presumably harder to tamper with. But maybe there's a new scheme? 

On Mon, Jun 10, 2024, 10:21 AM RAandBOB <> wrote:
Yes, many times. One time it was the property tax payment. I wound up having to pay $120 penalty for a late payment.🙄

Ruth Ann
(She, her, hers)

> On Jun 10, 2024, at 10:18 AM, Peter von Mertens <> wrote:
> Yesterday I received notice from a tradesman that I had not paid them.  But when I looked at my records I noticed I had sent them a check in early May.  This is the second time this spring that a check that I think I mailed has gone missing.   And after watching "Mr Bates vs the Post Office" on PBS ( a true story about how a computer system in Great Britain robs hundreds of local post masters of their wealth and lives )  I wonder if others have experienced that same problem, i.e. a check getting lost in the mail?
> Peace Peter
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