No question annual town meeting could use some improvements. But with regard to the line at the mike, imagine each of those 15 people wanting to talk for 10 minutes. I have been to many a town meeting where that did happen, and believe me, it’s almost beyond enduring.

Ruth Ann
(She, her, hers)

On Dec 19, 2023, at 7:49 PM, Terri via Lincoln <> wrote:

Does anyone know what the COST of the Clickers ARE or the breakdown of how many we need? 

The December 2nd Town Meeting was 100%  proof of how inefficient our Town voting process is.  If you have questions about what I am referring to... please watch the video of  the Dec 2nd Meeting especially if you left early or missed it. 
It's an eye sore.... not to mention disheartening...... to watch  > 15 fellow residents standing in line  at the Mic waiting patiently to be "allowed" to speak.. and then abruptly  told to sit down.  Sad indeed. 

Theresa Kafina

On Tuesday, December 19, 2023 at 10:38:06 AM EST, ٍSarah Postlethwait <> wrote:

Like all things in Lincoln- if you want it, you’ll have to fight for it. 

The moderator is against change in general, and it seems that the “clickers” are unlikely to be purchased until after March, if at all. There was debate about town meeting being a time to “stand and make your voice heard” and the clickers make it anonymous.

Sarah Holden Cannon and Kim Bodner said that we need a cooling off period after the Dec 2 town meeting. (I fully disagree- this is a perfect time to fix the process. The HCA vote was clearly rushed because the other two issues took so much of the day and the people in power had their finger on the scale. A fair meeting would not allow room for the atrocities that happened on Dec 2.) 

It sounds like there will be a forum at some point to discuss the issue. Then it will get kicked down the road more. Jim seemed on board for minor changes, but the others marked it up to “the vocal minority” outweighing those who are happy with the process. 

I actually like the idea of town meeting. But I really needs to be more accessible to more people. And people who aren’t able to spend their entire day there should still be able to have their vote counted. 

I think that the only way the select board and moderator will even consider changing anything is if another town is doing it already. So if you can find proof of other towns with a more progressive town meeting than ours, that would be really beneficial. 

Sarah P

On Mon, Dec 18, 2023 at 1:49 PM Deborah Howe via Lincoln <> wrote:
Hi, all --

I am writing this post as a private citizen.

Just to echo, for those who may not have seen it, Jim Hutchinson's good post on tonight's Select Board meeting, at which the Selects will discuss the recent Special Town Meeting and responses to it. According to Jim:

"Our meeting starts at 6:30pm tonight, although I’ll warn you there are a few things on our agenda before the above topic. See agenda here<> and zoom link below, and note this discussion will be during the “Special Town Meeting Reflections” item, which we may pull forward to just before the public comment period."

So if you're interested in ways the Town Meeting may be made better for all, this might be a good meeting to attend.

Best to you all ~

Deb Howe
88 Wells Road
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