Hi Alice, I appreciate that you are asking "please don't take the poll more than once" but will you be able to make sure nobody votes more than once? If not, I don't think your results will be valid.
I ask because, today I kindly asked during a zoom call I was co-hosting that was addressing the HCA Options and Climate and Environmental Justice. I asked people to stay on topic in the chat and to refrain from asking questions outside of the stated parameters of the discussion. A few didn't respect this and continued to bog down the chat with other issues that fed their particular agendas. It felt to me to be similar to a tactic some use on LT- respond quickly and multiple times to bury other's concerns and lead others away from the stated topic. My guess (sadly) is that many will do something similar with your poll to sway the results in a certain direction, if you do not have a way to prevent this. If you do have a way to make sure 'one person, one vote', I will participate. Thank you, Staci On Mon, Nov 27, 2023 at 3:44 PM Alice Waugh <awaugh...@gmail.com> wrote: > If you're not a Lincoln Squirrel subscriber but would like to participate > in unscientific nonbinding polls on the three issues at the upcoming > Special Town Meeting, here's your chance — go to the Lincoln Squirrel home > page at www.lincolnsquirrel.com and look for the item just below the > Search box near the top right of the page. These polls will close at 8 p.m. > on* Wednesday, Nov. 29* and the results will be reported in a Squirrel > post and on LincolnTalk shortly thereafter. > > NOTE: These polls also appear in a subscribers-only post on the Lincoln > Squirrel website — *please do not take any of the polls twice.* Thanks. > > Alice Waugh > > Editor, The Lincoln Squirrel <https://www.lincolnsquirrel.com> and The > Lincoln Chipmunk <http://chipmunk.lincolnsquirrel.com> > > lincolnsquirreln...@gmail.com > > 617-710-5542 (mobile) > > www.watusiwords.com > -- > The LincolnTalk mailing list. > To post, send mail to Lincoln@lincolntalk.org. > Browse the archives at https://pairlist9.pair.net/mailman/private/lincoln/ > . > Change your subscription settings at > https://pairlist9.pair.net/mailman/listinfo/lincoln. > >
-- The LincolnTalk mailing list. To post, send mail to Lincoln@lincolntalk.org. Browse the archives at https://pairlist9.pair.net/mailman/private/lincoln/. Change your subscription settings at https://pairlist9.pair.net/mailman/listinfo/lincoln.