Gotta start somewhere!

On Tue, Nov 21, 2023, 5:33 PM Peter Buchthal <> wrote:

> While I am happy to see some recognition that our MBTA needs investment,
> I would like to point out the magnitude  and likelihood of the dollars we
> are talking about.  Regrettably, we are many, many years away from a
> properly functioning and reliable MBTA and commuter rail in Lincoln.
> According to the Boston Globe:
> "The MBTA needs a gobsmacking $24.5 billion to repair and replace its
> decrepit track, stations, trains, signals, and other assets, an agency
> analysis released Thursday shows, providing the long-awaited tally of how
> broken the transit system is."
> "The next most expensive is the commuter rail system, at about $8 billion,
> with the bulk of investment needed for stations, followed by the Green and
> Mattapan lines — which need $4.7 billion."
> [image: image.png]
> List to the article:
> On Tue, Nov 21, 2023 at 10:55 AM DJCP <> wrote:
>> After she was appointed permanent Transportation Secretary last week,
>> Monica Tibbits-Nutt directly stated on Radio Boston that the Commonwealth
>> would invest in communities that build around Commuter Rail stations.
>> At about 7:10 in the segment linked here, Tiziana specifically asks about
>> HCA, and at 8:50 the Secretary says Mass. will put the money where "the
>> cities and towns do what needs to be done":
>> At 5:20, the Secretary also talks about how the "inner core" needs to
>> invest in housing so we can invest more in connecting places like
>> Worcester.
>> I think the whole segment is worth listening to, as she directly links
>> housing to transportation.
>> Diana
>> Giles Rd
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