As far as the Rezoning goes, the Dec 2 town meeting vote is not an official
vote. They are calling it a “sense of the town” vote.
So it likely can be formatted anyway the HCAWG chooses.

I agree with your points about rank voting.
If we are asked to choose between the given options as we were in
September, the “none of these options” or “I don’t support” should be a
completely separate question.

Sarah Postlethwait

On Mon, Oct 30, 2023 at 1:30 PM Edward Young via Lincoln <> wrote:

> This suggestion from Barbara Peskin raises an important issue that needs
> to be clarified before the December 2 TM:
> *" - Perhaps we could consider rank choice voting. Imagine if Option C
> had  73 votes, Option D1 had 70 and Option D2 had 70. It would mean
> the  overwhelming majority of Lincoln residents didn't want Option C but
> it  would pass anyway.”*
> The issue is what voting procedures the Moderator envisions as being
> available for us townspeople to use in selecting among a number of options,
> regarding both HCA and community center proposals.
> I’m a proponent of rank choice voting in general, but have no idea whether
> it would be allowable under applicable law governing town meetings.
> Also, I can’t recall clearly what voting procedure was used at the TM some
> years ago for selecting one out of four or five price points for the school
> building project. And I think I recall that the last meeting about the
> community center used a Robert’s Rules of Order or U.S. Congress type of
> procedure involving a series of main amendments and amendments to
> amendments that ultimately reached majority approval of a compromise
> measure that merely delayed the necessity of choosing among a number of
> options, but can’t trust my recollection in any detail.
> Anyway, it would be very useful for us citizens to know what method(s) of
> voting to expect on December 2 and subsequent TMs on these two highly
> important, but highly complex, matters.
> Ned Young
> Bedford Road
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