
What an amazing young woman your wife and you have raised. I am moved beyond words at her compassion and sacrifice. I am so appreciative of the perspective she brings from both inside Gaza and historically. Many sources are representing this latest episode as without provocation. It’s very different hearing a voice from the inside and viewing these actions as reactionary rather than purely aggressive. 

May she live under protection from danger and return to your home unharmed.

Stephen Dirrane

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On Oct 10, 2023, at 11:34 AM, Stephen R. Low <> wrote:

Since 2008, our daughter Shaina, a human rights attorney, has focused her academic studies and career on addressing Israel’s oppression of the Palestinian people.


In 2010/11, Shaina lived in the occupied West Bank while working for the Jenin Freedom Theatre based in the Jenin Refugee Camp. Since then, she’s worked for four NGOs—most recently living and working in Jerusalem as the Communication Advisor for the Norwegian Refugee Council’s office there. Much of NRC’s work is in Gaza.


Shaina was featured yesterday in a brief segment aired by Channel 25 news. Here’s a link to that segment:

Lincoln native living near Gaza describes unfolding crisis in region


Steve Low


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