The chair mat has been claimed. Thanks.

On Monday, June 26, 2023, 11:43 AM, Steve Hirsch via Lincoln 
<> wrote:

 I forgot to mention in the original post, the mat is not new. It had been used 
for about a year and so while it's not damaged (ie cracked) it does have some 
scuffs on it. 

    On Monday, June 26, 2023, 11:14:51 AM EDT, Steve Hirsch via Lincoln 
<> wrote:  
 Free: Office chair floor mat. Approx 3 ft x 4ft. Clear plastic. Intended for 
hard floors only. (ie it's not rigid enough for carpet; it would bend a lot and 
your chair wouldn't roll.)
I'm guessing mine is similar to this on Amazon. Don't know the thickness, but 
it is pretty thin.
LMK if interested?Thanks,Steve-- 
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