I want to attend, but it conflicts with an important meeting by the community 
center committee. Are you planning to record it so people can watch it later?

Ruth Ann
(She, her, hers)

> On Apr 12, 2023, at 7:44 AM, Matthew Bio via Lincoln 
> <lincoln@lincolntalk.org> wrote:
> The Water Commission, in collaboration with the Conservation Commission, 
> Agricultural Commission and the Land Conservation Trust, is sponsoring the 
> “Lincoln’s Hydrology Speaker Series” with our First speaker presentation 
> Wednesday April 12th.
> Our first speaker will be Dr. Max Rome on April 12th at 7-8:30 pm.  Dr. Max 
> Rome from the Charles River Watershed Association will present via Zoom.  
> Come learn about Lincoln’s watersheds, drinking supply sources, including 
> private wells, and how all the sources and uses of water in Lincoln 
> interrelate and impact both the water supply and the ecosystems supported by 
> water systems. The first speaker in the series, Dr. Max Rome, is the 
> Stormwater Program Manager at CRWA and will speak about what happens in the 
> watershed (flooding, nutrient pollution, drought and groundwater) and how all 
> of that applies to Lincoln!
> The attached flyer announcement includes the meeting information and Zoom 
> link.  Please share with your fellow Lincoln neighbors! 
> <Hydrology Speaker Series Flyer 3-18-23.pdf>
> Matthew Bio
> 805-770-0452
> matt...@mac.com
> -- 
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