I cannot believe given recent news that this conversation has devolved to
the point of invoking John Quincy Adams. As if it even remotely matters
what a privileged white male who died hundreds of years ago thinks, or even
that anyone short of a Supreme Court Justice has the ability to divine his
thoughts. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄(And what would he think of me communicating via
Giles Rd

On Tue, Jul 5, 2022, 5:27 PM Gordon Woodington <alpinemeado...@gmail.com>

> Horse hooves promote water absorption by their imprint, a good thing, not
> run-off as bike ruts do.   So I think Quincy would be ok.  I will bet that
> he would not like bikes be permitted on the trails in Adams Woods.
> "Original intent"  to use a recently invoked term.  Who will foot the bill
> to repair bike rut damage? Yet another unprovisioned expense.
> Gordon Woodington
> On Tue, Jul 5, 2022 at 12:15 PM Leslie Turek <leslie.tu...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> >>For example, I see no need to allow them in the idyllic Adams Woods.
>> Quincy would roll over in his grave.
>> I'm not taking a stand for or against bikes on the trails, but I have to
>> say this statement made me giggle a bit. According to Tom Gumbart, who used
>> to lead our conservation walks through Adams Woods, some of the trails
>> there are depressed below grade because Adams and his friends used to
>> gallop horses down the narrow trails. The 19th-century equivalent to dirt
>> bikes? So not sure he would be rolling over in his grave.
>> Leslie Turek
>> On Tue, Jul 5, 2022 at 11:43 AM John Kimball <selen...@earthlink.net>
>> wrote:
>>> John Kimball, here since 1972. I have voted for every conservation
>>> purchase since, and have very little sympathy for bikes on conservation
>>> land. Bikes do not use the roadside paths but feel entitled to use the
>>> roads, and I have no confidence that they would confine themselves to
>>> approved conservation trails. For example, I see no need to allow them in
>>> the idyllic Adams Woods. Quincy would roll over in his grave.
>>> Speed seems to be the norm for bikes and the thrill of going downhill
>>> over rocks and roots. Look out below for all mere pedestrians. Bikes should
>>> not be allowed on any narrow paths where they may run into walkers and
>>> especially children. Bikes and dogs are even more incompatible. I strongly
>>> oppose the vast proposed expansion of bike trails.
>>> --
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