I write this letter today as a private citizen.  This year’s race for
Lincoln-Sudbury Regional School Committee is contested, with three
candidates, including Cara Endyke-Doran, the current Chair, running for one
of the two open positions.  Lincoln’s vote for Cara this year is *extremely
critical* in ensuring a balance of views on the Committee, long-lens
institutional perspective in School Committee deliberations, thoughtful
discussions regarding the Regional Agreement and a focus on how Lincoln and
Sudbury can best support our regional high school.  I hope residents had a
chance to attend the Candidates Forum this past Wednesday or are able to
view it online.  Please also and remember to vote on Monday, March 28 in
the Reed (Brooks) gym at Lincoln School.

I am formally endorsing Cara Endyke-Doran for re-election to the
Lincoln-Sudbury Regional School Committee.  Cara has worked in the
international public health sector for many years; she has a dual Masters
in Public Health and Nursing.  She is also the parent of four children, two
of whom have graduated from LSRHS and two who are students there.   Cara
has leaned into both her professional credentials and her own parenting
experiences throughout the COVID pandemic.   Her calm and attentive
leadership has shepherded the LSSC and the District through these last two
years with grounded information and clear communication to constituents.
Cara’s hard work and commitment have helped LSRHS to continue educating our
high schoolers, to support more acute social and emotional needs arising
from the pandemic and to keep students and staff as protected from the
virus as possible.  Cara led the COVID-19 testing sub-committee at the
onset of the pandemic during her very first year on the Committee. Through
her strong advocacy, LS was one of the first schools in the State to offer
COVID-19 testing to all its students and staff.

The School Committee has accomplished a great deal over the past three
years, hiring an excellent Director of Finance and Operations in Kirsteen
Patterson, reviewing and revising the complete School Committee policy
manual, and considering new and amended LSRHS curricula in an increasingly
global and mindful context.  This year, the School Committee successfully
negotiated a new three-year collective bargaining agreement that considers
well what is fair in the context of annual budgeting alongside.the talents
of our terrific LSRHS faculty and staff.   In this late/post-COVID
environment, where teachers and school administrators across the US are
leaving their jobs, permanently, in droves, striking a relational and
equitable balance and reinforcing the quality of teaching and commitment of
time to our students, all of this is vital.

And there is always more to do.  Cara’s continued, committed leadership,
given her initiative and accrued understanding of process and knowledge of
School Committee governance, will be an asset for both towns.

Cara is committed to Lincoln-Sudbury and has ensured the Committee is
operating in the best interest of our students, staff, parents and broader
communities. She has respectfully listened and taken into account the
sometimes widely differing perspectives from the three communities of
Lincoln, Sudbury, and Boston, as well as our commonalities, how we
understand and appreciate LSRHS day-to-day.

Nancy Marshall
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