Fellow Lincolnites: I urge you to cast your vote for Jim Hutchinson for Select 
Board in the upcoming town election on March 28th.

I have served on both the Green Energy Committee and the Water Commission with 
Jim Hutchinson. When Jim volunteered to join the Water Commission, the Water 
Department was in dire straits. His expertise in the intricacies of municipal 
finance was critical as we dealt with the need for substantial capital 
investment, but equally important was his ability to quickly understand the 
issues and suggest the best way to tackle each one. After a year of his 
leadership, the Department was back on track.

What really stood out to me, however, was that Jim treats every person with 
respect. Whether it is a new Superintendent, a disgruntled water customer, a 
member of the Water Department staff, or one of his fellow committee members, 
he listens deeply to their concerns and strives to reach consensus on all 
decisions. Moreover, Jim has no agenda but to do what is best for the town.

I believe that Jim offers just the right expertise and temperament to make an 
excellent member of the Select Board, and I urge you to vote for him on March 

Ruth Ann Hendrickson 
Water Commissioner
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