Yes it was Don Bienfang but I think someone else posted the email for him.


Nancy Bergen


From: Susan Stason <> 
Sent: Sunday, February 20, 2022 11:08 AM
To: Nancy Bergen <>
Cc: Debra Alpert <>;
Subject: Re: [LincolnTalk] Cat looking for a home


Don Bienfang was looking for a kitty.  

I don’t have his email to forward this,

Sue Stason


On Sun, Feb 20, 2022 at 10:48 AM Nancy Bergen via Lincoln 
< <> > wrote:

There was someone on Lincoln Talk who was looking for a kitty just recently.




From: Lincoln < 
<> > On Behalf Of Debra Alpert
Sent: Saturday, February 19, 2022 3:12 PM
To: <> 
Subject: [LincolnTalk] Cat looking for a home




Beautiful kitty Sidney, photo attached, just lost his person. His mom passed 
away the other day, and she left no relatives. There is no one to take Sidney 
in. We already have two cats, one of whom is very anxious and will hiss at his 
littermate and lifelong companion when stressed. I don’t think that Sidney 
would do well with us, nor would our nervous kitty thrive in the presence of an 


What I know about Sidney is that he was adopted from MetroWest Humane Society 
as kitten, 10-years ago. We adopted our boys from MW as well, and they ensure 
that the cats and kittens in their care are healthy and neutered upon adoption. 
If you know someone who would enjoy the company of this pretty and sad cat, who 
has been well-loved and cared for since birth, and is now in need of a new 
home, please respond. If you know of others who may be interested, but who are 
not Lincoln Talk, please forward.


Thanks so much for your kindness!



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