Dear Neighbors,

I got word today that, after being held since Sunday, the boy I wrote about
yesterday has been released.  He has to appear again in court on 2/24 so
the judge can assess his progress, and then he will be monitored for 6
months.  He has two adult sisters who will have to help more, but they are
both struggling too.  Ony, my contact at Ankizy Gasy, has decided that they
will use the money sent from Lincoln to buy rice for the family on the
weekends for those six months to help ensure that the boy can stay out of
trouble.  During the week, the boys will get food at school, which should
reopen soon.  Ankizy Gasy feeds students at three schools.  Any additional
funds will go to feed the many children they support who are currently in
crisis following the two devastating cyclones that hit the island.

My deepest gratitude to those who have already made a donation.  If you
would still like to donate, the need is tremendous.  The link is  Donations
are in Euros, and are not tax deductible since it is not a US charity, but
I can personally vouch for the woman distributing the aid.

Warmly, Kim Jalet (Brooks Road)
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