I am saddened to pass along that former Lincoln School Assistant Principal
and later Middle School Principal Judy Glassman passed away on New Year’s
Eve.  Judy had a lengthy battle with dementia for the last five or so

Local lore that continues (most recently in text exchanges this morning)
include stories about Judy’s “click-click-clicking” heels as she quickly
made her way to points in the school building.  She also hung a
substantial, pink, fuzzy bathrobe on a hook in her office to provide visual
encouragement to students to “choose well” what to wear to school.  Judy
was an avid runner and continued her commitment to education at Lesley,
mentoring and evaluating teaching students in their practicum work well
after leaving Lincoln.

I have very fond memories and a great appreciation for Judy.   We remained
friends long after we finished at Lincoln School and Judy retired.  Our
mutual love for Cape Cod and our summers there gave us more times and
places to gather.

Arrangements will be in the Globe today or tomorrow, services will be at
noon at Stanetsky’s in Canton on Tuesday.

If anyone would like to be in touch with Judy’s husband Mitch, just shoot
me an email privately please.

Nancy Marshall
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