My two boys were in high school during the last big flood. If you’re going to 
go to the high school in Sudbury, some how you have to get across the river. My 
father had given them his big old Chevy, and every day they drove to school via 
Sherman Bridge Road, since we live in South West Lincoln. Well, that bridge 
flooded at all the way up to the hand railings, as you have heard. Wayland 
center was flooded to the extent that people were canoeing around the traffic 
light area. Route 117 going west was flooded on both sides of Lee’s Bridge. So 
they had to go west on Route 2 and then turn left at the hospital and go 
through the back roads to Concord Road in Sudbury. 

Eventually the water level went down a little bit, and they decided to come 
back home through Nine Acre Corners and go to Route 2 on Sudbury Rd. There was 
a puddle before they got to Heath’s Bridge before the hospital, but they 
decided they could make it through the puddle.

Now, I had given them instructions that, if they went through a puddle, they 
were to go very slowly. And they had seen many cars in the water at Lee’s 
bridge stalled out and waiting for a tow trucks. But they decided between them 
that the best strategy was to go as fast as they could so that, if they stalled 
out, they would coast to the other side. What actually happened was that, as 
they barreled across the puddle, the water came up over the hood and into the 
air intake on top of the engine, flooding the cylinders. 

They did make it to the other side of the puddle, but when they tried to start 
the engine, smoke came from under the hood. This was before cell phones, so I 
think they walked to the gas station at the junction with Route 2. We had the 
car towed to that gas station and the mechanics managed to get the water out of 
the cylinders and get the car running again, but it never ran quite the same 

Well, as I always say, what doesn’t kill you makes a good story.

Ruth Ann (She, her, hers)

> On Nov 15, 2021, at 11:21 AM, wrote:
> On 11/15/2021 10:41 AM, wrote:
>> ... The last time it was totally re-planked was just before the big flood. 
>> (What year was that?) 
> Interestingly, this flood occurred in the middle of the most severe extended 
> drought in MA history. What extremes may come?
> -Alaric
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