Am 23.03.2015 um 21:53 schrieb Nikolai Hedler:
I see that this may have been worked on in 2.19 as Issue 216
can someone update me as to the current status?
On 23 March 2015 at 16:47, Nikolai Hedler <
<>> wrote:
On 23 March 2015 at 16:40, Kieren MacMillan
<>> wrote:
Hi Nikolai,
> Is there any reason not to fix a known bug that's been
around for this long that's been a pain in the neck since I
started using LilyPond?
If you don’t see any reason, then please send in a patch for
How would I do this? I assume that by this you mean that I should
fix it myself, which I would if I knew anything about how LilyPond
is coded, but I'm a full-time student, and as such can't really
afford to take the time to teach myself all about it. The main
purpose of this is to inquire as to any reason why it hasn't been
addressed already.
For the same reason: everybody who works on lilypond does so in their
free time (except for David Kastrup, who also does very good to
concentrate on the things he can do best and which are most important).
So it’s not a matter of “does this bug need to be fixed?” but of “do I
have time, skills, nothing more important to do _and_ a good mind to fix
this bug?”.
So moderate your tone.
> My goal is to be able to create a single file
Well, there’s another obvious workaround: use multiple files and
\include. It’s not a crucial point that you have to compile one more .ly
which outputs a book including a score and all parts, where
the score is staff-size 15 and the parts are 18 or 20
I do that exact thing all the time.
While more syntactic sugar would certainly make it even
easier, I've never found it to be a particular pain in the neck.
Would you like to enlighten me, then? Or do you mean to recommend
that I just use the hackish workaround?
Or \magnifyStaff…
The multitude of easily available solutions is one reason why this issue
has been closed.
Yours, Simon
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