Try something like
<c f>\repeatTie
- Abraham
On Sun, Mar 22, 2015 at 2:42 PM, Trevor Bača-2 [via Lilypond]
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> Does anyone know how produce the style of ties used by Messiaen (or
> his publisher)?
> I've attached an image file taken from a first page of results given
> by Google images.
> The style of ties is unconventional because there are effectively no
> ties exiting tied notes (or chords); only ties entering into
> non-first notes (or chords) joined together in series. (The augmented
> fourth held in the pianist's left hand in the bottom system provides
> a good example of this.)
> I haven't yet used this style of tie in my own scores. But it seems
> like it might be a particularly effective way to reduce the graphic
> noise dense chords cause when tied over long durations.
> (One last thought: Messiaen's notation might be conceptually
> equivalent to a type of "reverse" l.v. indication. That might help
> provide a name for the feature should it ever find its way into
> LilyPond.)
> --
> Trevor Bača
> [hidden email]
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