Bagpipe music has it's own conventions where each section or part of a tune
is enclosed in either repeat bars or what I call double bars (\bar ".|" and
\bar "|."). The end of a part usually coincides with a line break. I have a
problem with this and find that adjacent barlines with a break in between
get overridden and one of the bar lines is eliminated. I have tried using
\bar "||" instead but this does not help. See below:
\version "2.18.0"

music = \relative c' {
        \key c \major
        \time 4/4
        \bar ".|:"

%Part 1
        \repeat volta 2 {
        \partial 8 a8
        a4. a8 b4. b8
        c4. c8 d4. 
        \break }

%Part 2
        \bar ".|"       % this blocks the repeat sign at the end of part 1
        e8 |e4. e8 f4. f8
        g4. g8 a4. 
        a8 b4. b8 c4. \bar "|."

%Part 3
        \bar ".|"       % this blocks the double bar at the end of part 2
        a8 |
        a4. a8 b4. b8
        c4. c8 d4. \bar "|."

}% end relative

\score {
   \new Staff \music

John McWilliam
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