Did anyone ever find a non-manual way of making this work?


On Fri, Jan 9, 2015 at 7:22 AM, Pierre Perol-Schneider <
pierre.schneider.pa...@gmail.com> wrote:

> As a first step here's a manual workaround :
> \version "2.18.2"
> \relative c' {
>   \time 2/4
>   d e |
>   \mark \markup {
>     \center-column {
>       \draw-circle #1.35 #0.1 ##f
>       \vspace #-.8
>       \bold "1"
>     }
>   } d e |
>   \mark \markup {
>     \center-column {
>       \draw-circle #1.35 #0.1 ##f
>       \vspace #-.68
>       \fontsize #-3 \bold \concat { "1" \hspace #-.1 "0" }
>     }
>   } f g |
>   \mark \markup {
>     \center-column {
>       \draw-circle #1.35 #0.1 ##f
>       \vspace #-.68
>       \magnify #.8 \bold \concat { "1" \hspace #-.1 "1" }
>     }
>   } f g |
>   \mark \markup {
>     \center-column {
>       \draw-circle #1.35 #0.1 ##f
>       \vspace #-.61
>       \fontsize #-6 \bold \concat { "1" \hspace #-.1 "00" }
>     }
>   } b c |
>   \mark \markup {
>     \center-column {
>       \draw-circle #1.35 #0.1 ##f
>       \vspace #-.8
>       \bold \concat { \hspace #.1 "2" }
>     }
>   } a b |
>   \mark \markup {
>     \center-column {
>       \draw-circle #1.35 #0.1 ##f
>       \vspace #-.68
>       \fontsize #-3 \bold \concat { \hspace #.1 "20" }
>     }
>   } c d |
>    \mark \markup {
>     \center-column {
>       \draw-circle #1.35 #0.1 ##f
>       \vspace #-.61
>       \fontsize #-6 \bold \concat { \hspace #.1 "200" }
>     }
>   } c d |
>   \mark \markup {
>     \center-column {
>       \draw-circle #1.35 #0.1 ##f
>       \vspace #-.8
>       \bold "3"
>     }
>   } e f |
>   \mark \markup {
>     \center-column {
>       \draw-circle #1.35 #0.1 ##f
>       \vspace #-.68
>       \fontsize #-3 \bold "30"
>     }
>   } g a |
>   \mark \markup {
>     \center-column {
>       \draw-circle #1.35 #0.1 ##f
>       \vspace #-.61
>       \fontsize #-6 \bold "300"
>     }
>   } b c |
> }
> Pierre
> 2015-01-09 1:30 GMT+01:00 Steve Lacy <sl...@slacy.com>:
>> Using "\set Score.markFormatter = #format-mark-circle-numbers" how would
>> one go about making sure that all the rehersal marks are the same size
>> (i.e. the radius of the circle is constant and the font inside scales to
>> fit, and digits are centered within the circle?).  Here's an example score
>> that I would like to fix:
>> [image: Inline image 1]
>> (http://lilybin.com/qurd93/2)
>> Additionally:
>> - I find that the "1" inside the first rehersal mark needs to be tweaked
>> to the right a little to be visually centered,
>> - The "10" looks unnatural and needs some kerning so the digits are as
>> close as the digits in "20" and "30" are
>> - The mark for the "2" and "20" would look better with more default
>> padding as the lower left of the digit almost touches the surrounding
>> circle.
>> Steve
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