Hi Tim:
Thanks for the file. So far so good.
Since I am using \include "english.ly" I replaced all uses of the accidental indicators "es" & "is" with "f" and "s". 
If you want I can send you that amended file.

Now I have this chord in the fake book that I don't know how to write … D7b9 in Roemer. 
The piece is in Eb and the chord sequence is the transition form the 2nd repeat into the bridge… Eb Ab | Eb D7b9 G7  | Cm ….

Here is the snippet but it gives me the wrong chord name.

jazzChords = \chordmode {
\repeat volta 2 { 
ef2 e:dim7 | f:min7 fs:dim7 | ef/g g:7aug | af:6 df:9 | 
ef/g: c:7 | f:m7 bf:9
\alternative {
{ g2:7 c:7 | f:7 bf:7 }
{ ef af  | ef  d4:7-9 g:7 }

It prints Db 7 9: this is not the chord which is a D Dominant 7 + a flat 9th.

I''ve tried several different things with no success including looking at Roemer book.

The complete .ly file is here:

Attachment: Ain't Misbehavin v4.ly
Description: Binary data

Any suggestions?




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