Hi Tim:
On 2015-03-09, at 2:53 PM, Tim McNamara <tim...@bitstream.net> wrote:
> There is also the pop-chords.ly file that can be used for chord names and I 
> am working on modifying the same file to follow the Roemer chord name 
> conventions which I will make available when done.
Have you finished the Brandt Roemer conventions or is it still a wip?

>  It appears that the OP would like Real Book style chord names; the 
> pop-chords.ly file is easily modified.  It may be in the Lilypond snippet 
> repository.  If not I can send a copy to the OP.
I am the OP <grin>. In fact I have both a "C" Edition Ultimate Jazz Fakebook 
published by Hal Leonard 1988/
this is a typeset book and was good for gigs.
I also have a "Real" book which was given to me. Don't like the font but the 
chord changes are OK.



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