On Sun, Mar 8, 2015 at 9:28 AM, 良ϖ <p2b....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> Although I often read messages from this mailing list, this is likely to be
> the first message I post to it. I've engraved some piano music already but
> it's always been pre-contemporary music: Bach, Liszt or even Debussy. Now
> I'm having trouble with contemporary pedalling notation.
> I'm trying to engrave a free score of Takemistsu's Rain Tree Sketch. You can
> found a video with score here on Youtube or you can download a copyrighted
> copy on this page.
> This piece makes innovative use of all three pedals of the piano. I've tried
> to play a bit with this snippet but I'm not convinced by what I've got. I
> especially don't know how to symbolize half pedal to the best of my
> knowledge. Moreover, I'd like to change « simile » for an arrow →.
> So I'm seeking for help. As it's a free software, I believe I'll get a
> helpful answer soon from the community then I say « thank you! » in advance
> ;-)
> 胡雨軒 Hu YuXuan
> P.S: sorry for my English, I'm not native English-speaker.

I don't have any solution to offer yet; I would just like to add that
notations like this may also be found in John Adams' piano piece
"Phrygian Gates," which has a variety of fractional pedaling
indications such as "Ped/2" and "Ped/4."

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